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Fighting Demon (Satan's Sinners MC Book 10) Page 8
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Page 8
Wiping away my tears, I throw the pregnancy test into the trash and stand. After washing my hands, I look in the mirror and try to pull myself together the best I can. I exit my work bathroom and walk into the interrogation room where Chayser is waiting.
I shut the door. “Chayser, we need to talk.”
He shakes his head and covers it with his cuffed hands. “I don’t have shit to say to you.”
I sigh. “I know, but I need you to listen.”
His glaring eyes meet mine. “How could you do that to him? He trusted you, he opened up to you. He has never done that before with anyone, and you used it against him. I thought my brother was finally going to be happy for once in his life.”
I sit in the seat across from him. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I’m trying to make this right. I’m trying to fix what I messed up so badly.”
His mouth opens and shuts. “How are you going to help him?”
My eyes stare into his. “I need you to help me.”
“With what?” I can practically see the wheels turning in his head.
I lace my fingers together on the table. “I need you to take the blame. If you take the fall, we can work a deal to have all charges dropped against Demon.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then you both will stay in jail until your hearing, could be a few years before all evidence is gathered. Then you both will be sent to prison for the rest of your lives…unless he takes a deal for you.”
His head hangs for a moment. “I want it in writing that my brother will be free of all charges.” His glaring eyes meet mine. “Don’t go to him with a deal. He’ll take it to save me, and he’s saved me enough through the years. It’s my turn to save him.”
“I’ll make it happen.” I stand from the chair and step to the door. “You’re a good brother, Chayser.”
As the door closes behind me, Tyler asks, “Is he taking the deal?”
“Yeah.” My heart drops into my stomach for an unknown reason. Looking up at Tyler with his smug grin, a sickness twists within me. “You really don’t care about anything except bringing them down, do you?”
“One is better than none. It’s only a matter of time before we can start getting the others.” He grips my shoulder with a gentle squeeze. “Good job, Sarah.”
That name doesn’t even feel like it’s mine anymore. “I’ve called our captain and put in my resignation.”
His brows tighten. “You’re really ending your career?”
“Yes.” Simply saying it makes me feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted from my shoulders.
“What are you going to do now?”
“I have something in mind.” I smile more to myself.
“Well, I’m heading back to Missouri. I’ll see you next week?”
“I’ll be here.” I watch him leave the office before I move to set my plan into motion.
I walk through the sheriff’s office until I reach the elevator. Pressing the button to go down as soon as I get in, I take a deep breath and lean my head against the elevator wall. The door opens, and a rush of adrenaline washes through me as I exit into the evidence room. I search the shelves until I find the box of files I’m looking for and grab it, taking it with me back the way I came. Without stopping, I exit the building, and my steps quicken until I reach my car. I just stole all of the evidence Tyler has against Chayser, Demon, and the club.
I spent all of last night and this morning going over the evidence Tyler has gathered throughout the years, and I’ve been researching the case on my laptop. Even though we’ve worked together for years at our department in Missouri, Tyler never quit coming back to Kansas to try and bring the club down. Kansas was more than happy to have Tyler take on what they’ve been unable to accomplish.
Climbing off my bed, I gather every piece of paper, every file, and every photo, tossing them into the box. I carry the box with me into the kitchen, picking up a box of matches I had stashed in a drawer before exiting into my backyard. I set the box in the middle of my firepit, and after dowsing it with lighter fluid, I light a match. Flames shoot high up into the air as the evidence begins turning into ash. I watch it burn until there is nothing left. Done, I race into the house and get my keys.
I storm into the courthouse until I reach Judge White’s office and don’t bother knocking before bursting through the door.
“Judge White.”
His eyes narrow as he glares, no doubt not appreciating my sudden interruption. “You are?”
I step closer. “I’m Detective Sarah Kennedy.”
“What do you think you’re doing barging into my office?” He seethes. Yeah, he’s pissed, and I don’t care.
My hands slam down on his desk as I lean forward. “You’re the judge appointed to the David and Robbie Parrish case, correct?”
“Yes.” His expression becomes perplexed, his frown pulling his brows down further.
“You know who David Parrish is, correct?”
He begins pulling at the collar of his designer shirt. “I only know what has been brought to me in regards to the case.”
I tsk with a clink of my tongue. “Don’t lie, Judge.”
He squirms in his seat. “What is this about?”
“Have you or have you not spent time at a place called The Dungeon?” My voice rises.
“Detective…” His tone changes to one of warning, telling me with that one word to shut up and leave.
“Here’s the deal, Judge. I know you’ve been there because I saw you. That wasn’t your wife holding the end of your leash, now was it?”
“What do you want?”
“I want the case thrown out for insufficient evidence. I want you to shred every piece of paper you have read on the Satan’s Sinners, David, and Robbie. I want you to type out a deal for them both to sign that exonerates them both of all charges.”
“I can’t—”
I interrupt him, “You can, and you will because if you don’t, I will pay your wife a visit and tell her about your secret life with that pretty young blonde who treats you like a dog and the fact you get off on it. I will then go to every news station in this city, and they will air all of your dirty laundry. Your career will be over.”
His stare widens at my threats. “Give me a few days.”
“You have until tomorrow morning.” Standing straight, I stomp out of his office feeling ten feet tall.
I’m brought into a room where Chayser is sitting. Both of us are handcuffed and wearing orange jumpsuits. “What’s going on?” I sit in a chair across from my brother who appears as confused as I am.
Only one other person is in the room with us, Dancer, or I guess Sarah is her name—I don’t fuckin’ know.
“I’m making a deal,” Chayser blurts.
“No.” My head slowly shakes back and forth.
My brother’s stare hardens as it meets mine. “It’s already done. All I have to do is sign this paper, and you will be set free. I told her I wanted to see you before I did.” He grins. “They’re fuckin’ desperate.”
I chuckle, but my eyes are stinging. “I’m the oldest. Let me take the deal.”
It’s his turn to shake his head. “That’s just it. You’re the oldest and have been taking shit for me for as long as I can remember, David. I’m doing this for you. You can live and find happiness.”
I snort with derision, “Happiness? I have nothing to fuckin’ live for!”
Our eyes are still locked together when Dancer—I don’t think I could ever call her Sarah—cuts in, “Can I say something?” She plops down onto the seat next to Chayser.
“What?” We say in unison, both focusing our attention on her.
She leans in, her voice low, “The deal isn’t going through.”
“The fuck?” Chayser shouts while I sit back with a hard thud.
She lifts her hands in defense. “Listen, after I talked to you yesterday, Chayser, I left feeling like it wasn’t the right thing to do. Tyler is lead on this,
and he’s the one who pushed me to get one of you to take the deal. All he wants is a confession. He’s wanted to bring the club down for years, that’s why I went undercover.”
“And I was willing to take it for my brother!” Chayser voice is raising, and he sounds furious.
She nods in agreement. “I know, but why does it have to be one or the other?”
I slam a fist on the table. “You’re not making any fuckin’ sense.” I don’t like games, give it straight or keep your mouth shut.
She releases a deep breath. “Like I said, after I talked with Chayser, I thought the deal was a bad idea, so I went to the evidence room and stole everything they had on you guys.”
My eyes widen. “Why would you do that? You’re gonna risk everything?”
Her eyes drift to mine. “I told you, not everything was a lie. I love you, and it’s my risk to take, but…I put in my resignation. I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to lie and deceive people.” She smiles brightly, which confuses the fuck out of me. Aren’t we in a dire or serious situation here? “Remember when you took me to The Dungeon?” She finally asks.
My gaze narrows in suspicion. “Yeah.” Where the fuck is she going with this?
“Well, I thought I recognized someone, but I couldn’t say anything at the time. Judge White was there with a leash around his neck, and that sure wasn’t his wife pulling him around. So, after I stole the evidence, I did some research and found out that Judge White had been appointed the judge for your case. I paid him a visit yesterday afternoon. One thing I’ve learned from the Sinners is blackmail will get you everywhere.” She’s beaming. “I told the judge that I wanted both of your cases as well as anything against the Satan’s Sinners thrown out or I would be making a visit to his wife and go public with his secret fetish.”
“Holy shit!” Chayser busts out laughing, but I’m not yet sold on her good deed.
“What happens now?” I question.
She taps the paper lying on the table. “If you read it, it states that both of you will be exonerated of all charges and all evidence against the Satan’s Sinners Motorcycle Club has been proven to be false. They don’t have sufficient evidence against you or the club. All you have to do is sign.”
“All we have to do is sign? Our club is no longer under investigation and neither are we? We’re all free and clear? Simple as that?”
She nods happily. “That’s right. Free and clear.”
My tongue skims across my lips. “You think this fixes shit with us?”
She lays a pen on the table. “Whether it does or doesn’t, I kept my promise. I fixed it.” Chayser signs first, then I sign. “I will send for your clothes and possessions.” She steps to the door and grabs the handle.
“Dancer…” I blurt. She glances over her shoulder, but neither of us says anything, and in the end, she leaves the room in silence.
“Fuck, Demon!” Chayser blows out a breath of air. “How the fuck?”
“I don’t know.” I shake my head. My gut is twisting with mixed feelings.
“She did this for you, ya’ know.” Chayser’s stare meets mine.
“Yeah.” I stare at the door in wonder, my mind swirling with everything she did, the risk she took.
Normally, we wouldn’t be carrying our guns while in the chapel room but considering the brothers of our Oklahoma chapter are sitting opposite of us at the table, we’re being cautious.
Bull, the now president, begins, “Thanks for sitting with us, Hanger. Bones has been taken care of, and we’re sorry for the disruption he caused.”
Hanger runs his hand down his face. “We’re within the same club, there doesn’t need to be a falling out. I’m glad to hear Bones has been dealt with on your side though.”
Bull nods. “We don’t want any problems. We came to apologize for his actions and to assure you there will be no issues moving forward with me as president. My club will have a meeting soon to vote on who moves up in rank.”
“Keep me updated with your decision.” Hanger stands followed by me, Gunner, and Bear.
Bull stands along with his men. “We’ll talk soon.”
Just as we’re all shaking hands, the door bursts open. Out of instinct, our guns are drawn until we see Chayser and Demon enter.
“Sorry, we couldn’t let this wait,” Chayser announces with large terrified eyes.
“Sit,” Hanger orders while we put our guns away. Our Oklahoma brothers leave as we take our seats once again. “How the fuck are you two here?” Hanger’s eyes narrow, and I’m almost certain, he is just as suspicious of their sudden appearance as I am. Did they fuckin’ rat to get out?
“It’s a long fuckin’ story.” Demon’s hand drags over his long dark beard.
I sit up straighter. “We got time.”
Demon rests his elbows on the table with his head hung between his arms. “Dancer’s an undercover cop,” he finally mumbles.
Surely I heard him wrong. Glancing around the room, hearing how eerily silent it grew, fury I’ve never felt before flares deep within me. “What did you just say?” I seethe.
His head lifts, eyes on mine. “Dancer, she’s an undercover cop.”
“Fuck!” Bear, Gunner, and Hanger shout.
I can’t fuckin’ comprehend what he’s telling us. No fuckin’ way the woman I thought of as a daughter for all these years would be an undercover cop. I did an intense background check on her and nothing came up.
“It’s true,” Chayser confirms.
Demon continues, “She’s the one who set up the roadblock, and her fuckin’ partner is Rowan’s brother.”
“Goddamn it!” Hanger’s fists bang on the table.
Chayser speaks, “They had all this evidence against us and the club. People that we’ve killed. People that have gone missing and were never found but were linked to the club in some form or another. All the various businesses we have money going through. The guns and drugs. And so much fuckin’ more. Like years of fuckin’ evidence built up. It was enough for all of us to die behind bars.”
“So, how the fuck are you here now?” Bear roars.
Demon explains, “She stole all the evidence and blackmailed the judge. We signed a paper freeing us both and the club of every goddamn thing. Her name isn’t Dancer Holland it’s Sarah Kennedy. Her father was Mikey Kennedy, Vice President of a rival club in Oklahoma.”
I slam my hands down and leap from my seat. “I let her into my club, treated her like my own fuckin’ blood, let her close to Sierra and Letti.” The feeling of betrayal hits me right in the chest.
Hanger responds calmly, “We all let her get close to our Ol’ Ladies and our kids.” I know he has to be contemplating what we’re going to do to her. No way we can let this fuckin’ slide.
“What are we gonna do about it?” Bear questions.
Before anyone can answer, Demon jumps in, “There’s more. Her father was murdered, and she was there, but she doesn’t know who killed him.”
“Who was it?” Hanger asks.
Demon stares at Hanger for a moment before answering, “Me.”
I laugh without mirth. “This just keeps on getting fuckin’ better. If she finds out you killed her father, she could get the deal turned, and we all fuckin’ go down. What would we do if this was a man?”
“Kill him,” They all say in sync.
I add, “I know we don’t usually hurt women but look at what she’s done. We could be destroyed if she decides to use any of this shit against us.”
Chayser chimes in, “I don’t think she’ll do that. She’s in love with Demon. She did all of this for him.”
I throw my arms in the air. “She doesn’t know he killed her father!”
“Demon?” Hanger’s eyes narrow.
“She says she became an undercover cop to bring down MCs because of her father’s death. She might fuckin’ love me, but I don’t trust shit.” He rakes his hands through his hair and grabs fistfuls of it. “I don’t know what she’d do if sh
e found out. We need to go get her and take her to the cellar.”
Hanger sets the order, “Let’s ride.”
After a vote, it is decided that Demon and I are going to be the ones who knock on her door. The others stay back. Demon’s hand lifts and pounds on the wood. It only takes a second for her to open. Her eyes are puffy and red from crying, and normally, I would pull her into my chest and give her a fatherly hug to comfort her, but not now.
“I wondered how long it would be before you guys showed up,” she says with a sniffle.
“Is it true?” I growl. I don’t fuckin’ cry, but goddamn it, I feel the burning.
Her lips quiver. “Yes.”
Demon cuts in, “You need to come with us.”
She nods and shuts the door. She climbs into the back of the van without a fight. Hanger, Gunner, and Bear pull away while Demon and I straddle our Harley’s.
We meet them back at the compound, and they already have her out. All of our Ol’ Ladies are outside and standing around Hanger, Bear, and Gunner. As Demon and I walk up, I hear, “Please, let us deal with her!” Hanger’s Ol’ Lady begs along with the rest of them.
Sierra runs up to me. “Babe, please let us go down there with her. We don’t know why you have her, but she’s our friend. Please.” My Ol’ Lady stares at me with tears building in her eyes. She loved Dancer as much as I did.
I pull her into my chest and press my lips against her forehead. “Hanger?” I call out.