Fighting Demon (Satan's Sinners MC Book 10) Read online

Page 7

  My steps freeze as I turn on Bear. “Piranha pussy?” I question with knitted brows. What the fuck is he talking about?

  He chuckles to himself. “Yeah, you know, you fuck her, and her pussy latches on. You’re done for with any other woman ‘cause she bites your cock n’ balls clean off.”

  “The fuck?”

  Our brothers around us all bust out laughing.

  He slaps his hand down on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Lil’ Mama has it too.”

  Shaking my head, I climb into the driver’s side of the van. Chayser jumps in the passenger side still laughing his ass off. “Piranha pussy. Oh, fuck.” He wipes tears from his eyes.

  “It wasn’t that fuckin’ funny.” I glare at my brother.

  “Because it was you and your woman he was talking about. But it’s fuckin’ true.” Another round of laughter consumes him as I’m pulling out of the parking lot. “Being in the same room with you two, it’s like little hearts floating in the air. My big bad Demon brother has fallen in love.”

  My eyes cut to his for a moment. “I love her, Robbie.” I use his birth name. I only use it when I need to show him how serious I am.

  “Damn, brother.” His laughter dies. “Does she feel the same?”

  I nod with a smile lifting on my lips. “Yeah. She knows everything about dad.”

  His eyes widen in shock. “Holy shit! You opened up to her?”


  “I’m happy for you, David.”

  I don’t reply, and nothing more is said as we drive down the highway.

  After getting rooms for the night, we wake and head to a warehouse to meet with Ranger, President of the Blood Makers MC. He takes the tops off each of the wooden crates, and we inspect the guns along with ammo.

  Bear takes lead. “Looks good. You got the drugs?”

  “Yep.” Ranger nods to his Ol’ Lady, who also happens to be his vice president. She lifts two duffle bags onto a table he has set up.

  Chayser and Pretty Boy walk over and unzip the bags. They pull the bricks of heroin out and perform a test to check the quality. Once it changes to the orange-red color, Bear says, “I’ll tell Hanger to get the money transferred.”

  Within the hour we have the van loaded with the supply, and we head back toward Wichita. A couple hours out, I make the call to Dancer like I promised.

  As we’re approaching the city limits, red and blue lights are flashing. There are so many fuckin’ pigs, and they have a roadblock set up. “The fuck?” I shout.

  Chayser startles awake in the passenger seat. “What?”

  “Cops. Fuckin’ everywhere!”

  He sits up in the seat. “Shit! What the fuck are we gonna do?”

  “Stay calm. I’m going to follow Bear and Pretty Boy’s lead.” My fuckin’ heart is pounding out of my chest. My hands begin to shake against the steering wheel. If we are caught, it’s over.

  Bear and Pretty Boy suddenly stop their bikes. Chayser gets a call on his cell. “Yeah?” He quickly answers. “Bear says to turn around. Head the opposite way and get off the highway as soon as we can.”

  The cops have the highway blocked so no cars are coming our way. I quickly spin the wheel and the van begins going in the opposite direction. I pick up speed, but when I look in the rearview mirror, they’re coming. “Fuck, Chayser, they’re following us.”

  “Keep going!” He shouts as he sits on the edge of his seat and stares at his mirror.

  The faster we go, the faster they go. I don’t see any of our brothers, only cop car after cop car, and we’re in a high-speed chase now.

  Time passes in slow motion as we leave Sedgwick county and enter the next. I slam on the brakes with nowhere to go when I’m met with another set of police cars.

  “Put your hands out the window and exit the vehicle.”

  I glance at Chayser and put my hand on his shoulder. “Love you, brother.”

  “Love you too,” He replies as we do what the cops want.

  When we exit, we have guns pointed at us in every direction. “Hands on your head and get on the ground,” One of the cops yell at us.

  We follow orders as they move in. Both of us are pushed to the ground and handcuffed while I watch them open the back of the van. We’re hauled up and tugged to separate cop cars before being taken to the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Department.

  I’ve been sitting in this interrogation room for hours when the door finally opens, and I lift my head. “The fuck you doing here?”

  “Dad!” I scream as I run back into the house. “The letter, it came in the mail!” I wave it above my head and meet my dad in the kitchen. Oh my God! This is the moment, the moment I’ve been waiting for as long as I can remember. This is it!

  “You got the letter?” Dad swoops me up into his arms and spins me around. “No matter what it says, I want you to know how proud I am of you.” The smell of leather and oil envelopes me. The same scent I’ve smelled for years, my father, my home.

  My eyes grow to the size of saucers as my heart pounds like a galloping horse. “What if I didn’t get in? I can’t open it.” I shake my head frantically. “You do it. You open it.” I turn my head as I shove the letter into his chest.

  His hands cup my cheeks, and his eyes stare into mine. “You got this. I’m right here with you. Breathe, baby, breathe.”

  I take a deep breath and open the letter. “We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Julliard.” I quickly skim through the rest of the letter. “Oh my God!” I scream in excitement, jumping up and down.

  My dad jumps and screams along with me. “I knew you could do it! You’ve worked so hard for this. Let’s go get ice cream to celebrate.” Dad grabs his keys and opens the front door.

  Two loud booms ring, and I fall to the floor covering my ears, screaming at the top of my lungs. “Dad?” He doesn’t reply. “Dad?” I try again, but still no response. I slowly look toward the open door and find my dad lying on the ground. I crawl to him with tears streaming down my cheeks. “Dad?” He has blood pooling from his chest and forehead. “Dad!” I cry out. I check for a pulse but don’t find one. “Dad,” I sob and lay my head on his stomach as sirens grow closer.

  I sit down in the chair. “My mother died shortly after having me due to complications from childbirth, so it was always just me and my father. I didn’t have everything I wanted growing up, but I had everything I needed. He provided for me the best he could with what we had.” My hand slams on the table. “My father was a good man.” I look up at the ceiling with a smile. “I remember when I was little, sitting on his lap, the scent of leather and oil wafted off of him, and it was strong. That scent he carried every day of my life, and I’ll never forget it. He wore his cut so proudly every day and died with it on. You see, my father was the Vice President of a rival MC of the Satan’s Sinners Oklahoma Chapter. He always smelled of oil because he worked on the bikes at the garage for his club. I had this dream of becoming this famous ballerina, and my father did everything in his power to make that dream come true. I was sixteen years old when the letter came. I was accepted into Julliard, the school of my dreams, and then that dream died along with my father. He was going to take me to get ice cream to celebrate, but when the door opened, shots rang out. He had one bullet in his chest and one in his forehead.” I purse my lips to keep my nose from stinging. “I had to leave my home and everything I knew. I had to move from Oklahoma to my aunt’s house in Missouri. I studied hard and kept that need for justice boiling inside of me. I went into the academy and graduated at the top of my class. My goal was to bring down every motorcycle club known to man. I’ve made a dent over the years…until I came for your club. The founding club, the mother chapter of the Satan’s Sinners MC. If I could just take down your club, then taking out the rest would have been easy.”

  Demon’s eyes bore into mine as he bares his teeth. “You’re a fuckin’ undercover cop,” He hisses. Quickly, he jumps onto the table, and I scatter out of my seat. He leaps t
o stand in front of me, his cuffed hands grasping my neck as he pushes me against the wall.

  I cough from the force of his hold. “Demon—”

  He cuts me off, “Do you know how many men I’ve killed with these hands?” His words are whispered against my ear so no cameras can pick it up. “I should kill you now.” His grip tightens.

  “I haven’t told you everything,” I choke while trying to get the words out.

  The door bursts open. “Let my partner go.”

  Demon’s wild eyes snap to my partner, and he roars, “Rowan’s brother?” His attention darts back to me. “You fuckin’ work with Rowan’s brother?”

  I nod as he releases me and stumbles back as if he was hit with an invisible force. “Detective Tyler Burris is my partner.”

  His head shakes. “I let you in. I told you shit about me. I fuckin’ loved you. And you used it all.” He stumbles until he’s sitting in the chair.

  Tyler begins laying photos on the table. “Do you recognize these people?” They are all photos of people that have been missing or found dead who have ties to the club.

  Demon doesn’t look at the photos. “Nope, never seen them.”

  “How about this one?” Tyler holds the photo in front of Demon’s face.

  “That’s my father.” Demon’s eyes meet Tyler’s. “You want me to say I killed him?”

  “Did you, or was it Robbie or Maryanne or Rebecca?” Demon bolts from his chair and stands toe to toe with Tyler. “Sit down, Mr. Parrish.”

  Demon sits after Tyler uses his last name. “Leave my siblings out of this.” He chuckles, glaring at me. “You never lived in New York. Every fuckin’ word out of your mouth was a goddamn lie.”

  Before I can respond, Tyler continues, “I can’t leave your siblings out of this because one, two, or all of you killed him, and soon after, you and your brother fled to Kansas. You’re going down, David, but will you go alone? If you tell us everything you know and help us bring down your club, we can cut a deal. You may not have to spend the rest of your life behind bars.”

  Demon sneers, “I’m not telling you shit.”

  I lay my hand on Tyler’s arm. “Give me a minute with him.”

  “I don’t—”

  I assure him with a nod. “I’ll be fine.”

  Once Tyler’s out of the room, I lean against the table next to Demon. “Look at me.”

  Demon’s head lifts. I remove my colored contacts, showing him my true gray color. “I know you think everything was a lie, but it wasn’t. I did have every intention of bringing the club down in the beginning, but as the years went on, my perspective of the Satan’s Sinners changed. The friendships I formed with everyone were real.”

  He laughs, and the sound is gut-wrenching. “Real? Nothing about you is real.”

  “That’s not true.” I kneel in front of him. “The way I feel about you is real. I love you, Demon.”

  He spits, “You set up the fuckin’ roadblock.”

  I nod in agreement. “I did. I had to give Tyler something. He had been contacting me when he was in town. I would meet with him and tell him I didn’t know anything. He was becoming suspicious, especially since I’ve been undercover for so many years. I want out, Demon. I’m going to fix this.”

  “You can’t fuckin’ fix this! Take me to my cell.”


  He cuts me off, “Shut your fuckin’ mouth. You’re nothing but a filthy, fuckin’ cunt. You better hope I never get out of this place, because if I do, I’m coming for you.”

  Standing, I walk toward the door and open it. “He’s ready to go to his cell.”

  I rush to the bathroom and slam the door closed as tears begin to fall.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been in the bathroom crying, but I try to gather my composure, and eventually, I step out. Tyler’s there waiting for me with his arms folded across his chest while he leans against the wall. “You’re too close to this case.”

  I stomp past him. “You have no idea what I am.”

  “I told you not to take it too far, but you did. You fell for him.” Tyler follows behind me.

  I spin on my heels. “I’ll finish up this case, then I’m done. I want out.”

  “What?” His brows furrow. “We’ve been partners for years.”

  I shrug and purse my lips. “I don’t want this anymore. I don’t want to lie or hurt people, and that’s exactly what I’ve done. Jorga became my best friend, how do you think she’s going to react?”

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters is your job, and you helping to bring the bad guys down.”

  I laugh lightly. “Am I really bringing the bad guys down? In the beginning, I thought I was, but now, I don’t think that’s the case. And my father was one of them. I didn’t see it before, but now…” I point to myself. “If I take down the Satan’s Sinners, I’m taking away from other children. I’m taking their fathers away just like mine was taken from me.”

  He sighs loudly. “I knew you should have been taken off this job.”

  “You are so caught up in your own anger, you can’t see the bigger picture.”

  “The bigger picture?” He barks. “The bigger picture is getting the bad guys off the streets.”

  I pat his arm. “Maybe you should think about who the real bad guys are. You’re so angry at Bam Bam, but he found your sister. He cared for Rowan and brought her to your parents, to you. Your hate for him overrides the fact you can’t accept the fact that a dirty fucking cop is the one who kidnapped her in the first place. Now tell me, who is the real bad guy? Look at the good the club has done! Jesus!” With those words, I storm out of the sheriff’s department.

  As I’m sliding into the driver’s side of my Hummer, I start devising a plan.

  I’ve been in this cell for seven days now. I’ve tried to wrap my head around what transpired. How could I not see something was up with her? How could I be so fuckin’ stupid? Charges of racketeering, laundering money, murder, assault, kidnapping, and evasion have been brought against me. That’s just a shortlist of the charges I have pending. I’m fucked and so is my brother.

  “Demon?” Dancer’s voice cuts through my berating thoughts.

  “The fuck you want?” I stare up at the ceiling from my cot.

  I hear the cell unlock and the metal clang as it shuts. “Demon, please,” Dancer begs for…I don’t even fuckin’ know what.

  I sit up and rest my elbows on my knees while staring at the ground. “I said what the fuck do you want?” I growl, my hate for her surfacing, and anger rages inside of me.

  She drops to her knees in front of me. “Please, don’t hate me. Forgive me. I love you so much, and this has been killing me.”

  “Killing you?” I scoff, standing from my bed. I gaze down at her with so much disdain.

  Her head is hung low. “Yes. Please, I will submit to you. I will be your slave. Whatever you want, just please, forgive me.” Her voice shakes more with each word she spews.

  I laugh and glance at my cellmate. “You hear this shit? She’ll be my slave. She’ll do whatever I want.”

  “I hear it.” He smiles evilly.

  With one hand, I snatch a fistful of her hair and yank her head back with so much force, she yelps. “This has been killing you? How do you think it is for me? Stuck here in this fuckin’ cell because of you. My brother, who I haven’t seen, is stuck in a cell because of you. I lean over, pulling her with me as I grab my dinner tray the guards haven’t picked up yet. We have to eat this shitty fuckin’ food because of you? Have you ever eaten jailhouse food? Hmm?” I throw the tray down on my bed.

  “No,” She cries. Tears cascade down her cheeks, but I feel nothing.

  I dig my hand into the uneaten mashed potatoes and shove them into her face, I force my fingers into her mouth. She gags and tries to fight against me, but she can’t. I don’t stop. I grab a handful of peas and smash them onto her skin and push my fingers into her mouth. I repeat my actions with the so-called meatloaf. She s
pits and splutters and gags as drool flows from her mouth, her face now colored by various foods. She chokes and coughs as she tries to swallow. My cellmate laughs hysterically from his cot. I tug her by her hair until she’s standing. “Hey, boys.” I slam her against the cell bars so she can face the other prisoners. “She says she’ll do whatever I want. What should I do? How long has it been since you’ve seen some tits? She’s got some fuckin’ beautiful ones.” They yell out and bang on their bars. I pull her shirt and bra up exposing her to the other men. “The detective here fucks real good too. How about I fuck you for their enjoyment? Fuck that little hole I never had the pleasure of ripping apart?”

  She cries harder, “Demon, stop!”

  “Why?” I spin her around to face me, caging her in. “Why should I fuckin’ stop? Did you stop and fuckin’ think what you were doing?”

  Her head tilts just a fraction. “You love me. You don’t want to do this.”

  I lean in close with my hand around her neck. “I did love you and look where it fuckin’ got me.” I run my finger down her cheek through the food. “I already miss that greedy cunt of yours. Maybe I should let them watch me fuck you? Let them hear you squeal. Hmm. I do miss having your greedy little cunt milk my cock.”

  “Calm it down!” A guard stomps toward my cell. “What’s going on here? Detective Kennedy? Let her go!” The guard yells before quickly unlocking the cell.

  “I’m fine,” She informs the guard as I back away.

  My brows furrow in confusion, one more lie. “Kennedy?” I murmur the name.

  Once she’s out of the cell, she grabs the bars. “My name isn’t Dancer Holland, it’s Sarah Kennedy.” I hear her footfalls as she’s leaving.

  “Kennedy,” I repeat the name over and over as I fall onto my bed.

  “You’re fucking awesome.” My cellmate praises, but I can’t answer. The name Kennedy lodges in my throat.

  I’m the one who killed her father.

  I sit on the toilet staring at the two blue lines. “What am I going to do?” I cry to myself. I knew something was wrong when I began feeling sick this past week, and I had missed my period. I had hoped it was just from the stress of everything happening with Demon. Gah! Demon, he humiliated me in that cell, and I should hate him for what he did, but he’s right, all of this is because of me. The actions I took and all the lies over the years, the way I got in with all of them…they trusted me. The one thing I didn’t lie about was about the fact that I truly do love Demon. That love doesn’t just slip away because he shoved food in my face and down my throat or him showing those other men my breasts. He has every right to be angry with me. It’s time I start making changes.