Storm (Sinning Cobras MC Book 1) Page 9
Only one of our brothers is missing. “Where the fuck is Bam Bam?” Hanger shouts, clearly agitated, if the way he’s rocking in his chair and his flaring nostrils are anything to go by.
“I’ll give him a call,” I speak up and pull my phone out of my pocket. After dialing his number, I wait for him to answer. I leap from my seat and tap my knuckles on the table. Everyone is on edge with what his Ol’ Lady is going to do.
“Yeah?” Bam Bam sounds annoyed.
“Where the fuck are you, Brother? We’re waiting on you for Church.”
He groans, “I had to go on this fuckin’ shopping spree with Rowan.” I glance around the room; everyone is waiting for a response.
My chest pounds with unease as I fall back onto my chair. ”Why are you there? You’re supposed to be here for Church.”
He sighs. “I’ve been sleeping by myself for days. I want my woman back, and if that takes going on this bullshit day, I’ll fuckin’ do it, but goddamn it, she’s fuckin’ maxing out my credit cards. She’s buying shit that she doesn’t even need, and I’m her little bitch boy for the day. I’m stuck holding all the bags, sitting in the goddamn hair salon, nail salon, and going to mother fuckin’ Hobby Lobby. My Ol’ Lady wants crafting shit. Since when did Rowan take up mother fuckin’ crafting?” He elongates his last three words.
I burst into laughter. “Payback’s a bitch, Brother.” My laughter stops. “I gotta ask, is Rowan going to tell anyone about her brother? Do we need to prepare?”
“She’s not going to say anything. It’s been a few days since she found out. If she was going to tell anyone, she would have already. Yes, she’s hurt and upset about her brother, but it’s mostly about me lying to her. She feels like the club is more important to me than she is. I gotta do whatever it takes to rectify that. I gotta make her feel like she’s my number one and not the club.”
“Good luck, Brother. I’ll let Hanger and Snake know.”
“Thanks, Brother.”
Our call ends, and I lay my phone on the table. “Bam Bam isn’t going to be here.”
“Why the fuck not?” Hanger grumbles.
Righting myself, I rest my elbows on the table and respond, “He’s with his Ol’ Lady shopping. Rowan’s making him pay for lying, and he’s doing whatever he can to make her happy. Let him fuckin’ do what he wants to get her back.”
Hanger throws his arms in the air. “Well, is she going to open her fuckin’ mouth or what?”
“He said she’s not.”
Snake chimes in, “He better have it fuckin’ handled.”
“I’m sure he does,” Spike reassures Snake and adds, “We can always ask again when he gets back.”
Hanger grunts and rubs his forehead like he’s getting a headache. Wouldn’t surprise me if he was—this shit is stressful. “Let’s move on. What’s the update on Nicky Deeds and Jasper Kason?” Hanger demands.
Dodger speaks, “It took us months and a lot of fuckin’ digging to find Nicky. Apparently, he went into hiding after Rowan escaped and Dinch killed himself. Dinch made a call to Nicky after we paid him a visit and said we would be coming for Nicky even though Dinch didn’t give up Nicky’s name. Once we found him, it didn’t take much for Nicky to start talking. He told us he had dirt on Dinch. Apparently, the dirty cop liked to look at porn, but not just any porn, it was young kids.”
My brows furrow in confusion. “How did Nicky find that out?”
Spike answers, “When Nicky was young, like ten or twelve or some shit, Dinch picked him up for the first time. Nicky should have been sent to juvie, but Dinch had other plans. After touching Nicky and Nicky touching him, Nicky was sent home. Nicky never said a word, but his life of crime continued.”
“Sick son of a bitch,” Bear roars.
I piece it together. “Nicky never forgot and blackmailed Dinch when the time was right. Dinch chose Rowan when she had to change her tire.”
“Yeah.” Dodger nods in agreement. “She wasn’t Dinch’s first, and I’m sure Nicky wasn’t either.”
Hunter begins filling us in on Jasper Kason, “Nicky introduced Dinch to Jasper. Guess, in the beginning, they figured it would be good to have a cop on the payroll. Jasper wasn’t as hard to find as Nicky, but it still wasn’t easy. He moves around a lot, but he is…or was in the Kansas City area. With a little convincing, he talked, too. Dinch did, in fact, give a fake name. The Marcus Coletti that we were looking for doesn’t exist. Jasper said the person we are looking for is Nate Kason, Jasper’s cousin in Colorado.”
“Is Nate the head guy or what?” I ask, feeling angry. Are we being taken on a wild goose chase that leads to a dead-end?
Dodger pipes in, “Nate’s not the leader, but Nate’s the one who picks the girls up from Jasper and takes them to where they’re held.”
Writer informs everyone, “Spike, Dodger, Hunter, and I are heading to Colorado once Church is over.”
Hanger and Snake reach for the gavels. Snake’s eyes travel around the room. “Anything else?”
I interject, “I’m heading to the houses to check on things.” I’ve been trying to stay busy and keep my mind off of Haven, but it’s not working. I can’t get our kiss out of my fuckin’ head, and I’m losing my battle of why I can’t just make her mine.
Snake nods, and the gavels are slammed onto the table.
By the time I make it back to the compound, the sun is setting. One of the houses held me up for longer than expected. Turning off my bike, I quickly get off and stride into the clubhouse, anxious to see Haven and talk to her. Once inside, I head straight for the bar. “Shot of Jamison,” I yell at the prospect, and he pours the liquid into the glass. I swish it around for a second, then down the smooth poison. “Another.” I need to work up to actually tell Haven how I feel. He pours the shot, and I take it with ease.
I head for the stairs to go to Haven’s room. When I’m in front of her door, I knock, but she doesn’t answer. The fuck? I slowly open the door and find the room is empty. Where the fuck is she? I quickly check the bathroom, but the door is locked. “Haven?” I yell.
“She went back to her room,” Chapel shouts from inside.
She went back to her room? I just checked, and she’s not in there. My gut twists with worry, and my heart pounds with fear. I race down the stairs and check every inch of the clubhouse.
As I’m getting close to the kitchen, I hear someone screaming, “Get off of me!” It sounded a lot like Haven. What the fuck? Why would she be in the kitchen by herself when everyone is around? She continues screeching, and she sounds scared. The noise becomes muffled as I fling the kitchen door open.
Anger blasts through me like a hurricane at the scene I find. I get tunnel vision, and the only thing I see is the prospect who has Haven cornered. He’s holding onto her, so she can’t escape him. “Why are you fighting? You’re a whore. You’re supposed to give it up whenever I want it.”
"I’m not a whore!” Haven yells and squirms, but he’s ignoring her words.
Drawing my gun, I take quick, quiet steps until I’m beside them. “She’s right. She’s not a fuckin’ whore.” I hold my gun up to his temple and pull the trigger. Blood splatters as the prospect falls to the ground. Same fuckin’ prospect I had issues with at Larry’s house for letting the drugs get packaged without testing them.
Reaching out, I try to grab her arm, but she yanks it away. “What did you do?”
“What the fuck happened in here?” Boogeyman rushes up beside Haven and me. More people start coming into the kitchen, and Haven runs as fast as she can to get away.
Without answering his question, I order, “Get some prospects to clean up the mess and burn the trash.” I stomp into the bar, still holding my gun. “What the fuck was she doing in there?” I bellow over the music.
Hanger’s Ol’ Lady shouts, “She said she wanted some food. You weren’t here to get it for her.”
“And you let her go alone?” I don’t wait for a response and stride toward the stairs. Before
I climb them, I announce, “Anyone ever tries touching her again, you’ll be dead, too.” Why wasn’t Chapel with her?
Getting closer to the bathroom, I see Chapel and Rowan exiting and hear the shower running. I figure it’s Haven washing the blood off.
They both glance at me. “What happened, Storm?” Chapel asks.
“Go to your room.” I take notice that Chapel looks different, just as Haven did. I don’t wait for a reply from either of them before stepping inside the bathroom and laying my gun on the counter. I lock the door, and not giving two fucks, I walk into the shower with her. “Haven?”
“How could you do that so easily?” Her head hangs low as the water pours over her naked body. Her shoulders are shaking, and her arms are wrapped around her stomach, but I don’t know if it’s because she’s crying or from fear.
I grab her hips and spin her around to face me. “He was holding you against that wall, and I heard you screaming for him to get off of you. I wanted him dead.”
“You could have pulled him off of me or beat him up…something. Why kill him?”
My fingers lift to move the strands of wet hair sticking to her face. “That wouldn’t have been enough.” My gaze searches her features. She has makeup running down her face, and her hair is lighter than normal but still the same length. “Why did you go into the kitchen alone?”
“You weren’t here, and I was hungry. Rowan was finishing Chapel’s hair, and I’ve been doing so good, Storm, that I thought I would be fine long enough to make a sandwich.” Her body trembles as she peers up at me. The water washes away her cascading tears as I let her continue. “I’ve been okay before when I went into the kitchen. No one is ever in there. I got nervous this time because I was going to be alone, but I did it, and I was proud of myself. I wanted to try to do something by myself, even with people here.” Her fist hits my chest. I let her take her frustration out on me without moving a muscle. “He came into the kitchen shortly after I did. At first, it was fine. He was talking, and I listened, but then he changed. He thought I was one of the other women here. He scared me, Storm, but you killed him! You didn’t have to do that.”
“He has never been fine. He was an asshole. He messed up one too many times, Haven, and I couldn’t let him walk away. How many times have I told you I will never let anyone hurt you?”
“But, Storm…” She stops speaking.
I hold her cheeks in my palms and lift her face. “No buts. I’m proud of you, Haven, but I was so fuckin’ worried when I couldn’t find you.” I can’t take it any longer. I take hold of her wrist and tug her to me. I press my lips to her forehead and ask, “What did you, Chapel, and Rowan do?” Pulling back, I wait for her answer.
“Rowan bought a bunch of clothes, makeup, and hair dye for Chapel and me. She said it was going to be a girls’ night and that we were doing makeovers.”
I nod. Rowan wasn’t just spending Bam Bam’s money on herself. “You looked so fuckin’ beautiful.”
Haven shakes her head. “You didn’t even get a chance to see how I looked. Now, I just look like a drowned rat.”
My thumbs caress her cheeks. “I saw you. Your makeup was done perfectly, and your hair has been lightened and straightened. You had on a black tank with our emblem and tight ripped jeans, which most likely came from Writer’s Ol’ Lady’s store. You want me to keep going?”
Her gaze burns through me as if I’m being jolted with electricity. I’ve lost count of how many times it’s happened before, but this time, it’s stronger. It’s unbreakable. “I don’t get you, Storm. We kissed, and you ran away. You rejected me. You clearly don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to want me either. Why don’t you just leave me the hell alone?”
I’m done fighting this—whatever it is. It’s time to confess what I was so anxious to talk with her about earlier. “Because I fuckin’ can’t.” She’s silent as I reach my arm around her naked body, tugging her even closer to me. “Why do you have to drive me so fuckin’ crazy?”
“You drive yourself crazy,” she tries to argue.
Smiling, I tease, “You’re a fuckin’ brat.”
She pushes against my chest and folds her arms, lifting her tits higher on her chest. “I’m not a brat. Don’t call me that!” she snaps in annoyance.
Yanking her toward me even harder, I leave no space between us. The tip of my nose glides along her cheek until my lips meet the shell of her ear. “You are a fuckin’ brat, but you’re my brat, Darlin’.”
“I’m not yours,” she whispers through labored breaths.
“You’ve always been mine. I’m just making it official.” I grin against her cheek.
“How are you going to do that?”
“Like this.” Lacing my fingers through hers, I push her back until she’s pressed against the wall. I bring our arms above our heads and dip down to crash my lips into hers. I groan because of how fuckin’ good it feels. It felt just as good the first time, but I’m not running again. I can’t fuckin’ take it anymore. I can’t keep denying this shit with her, and tonight proves that. I killed a prospect for touching her—something I don’t feel bad about and would do again.
Is this really happening? Storm’s lips meld with mine, and I tighten my grip on his hands as my mouth slowly parts for his tongue, and it devours me. This kiss is so different compared to the one we shared in the kitchen. It’s filled with desire, need, and our craving for this moment that has been building between us. His clothed body presses against my naked one, strengthening this urgency within me. I need him now more than I ever have. I need him to relieve the pounding ache between my thighs. I need him to dissolve this throbbing feeling deep in my core that’s growing more intense.
Storm’s mouth releases from mine, and he steps back as my eyes flutter open. I stare at him, my brows knitting in confusion. “Are you going to leave now? Are you going to run again?” I ask, fear beginning to take hold of me. I should be scared of him, should be the one running away because I just witnessed him killing a man, but I can’t. Maybe I’m in shock or something, I don’t know, but Storm has always made me feel safe, and even after what he did tonight to protect me, I’m still not scared of him. In some weird way, I feel even safer.
He shakes his head. “No running.” He slowly begins to slide his cut down his arms. “I’m done running from this. You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Haven.” His eyes travel over my naked body, and his cut falls to the shower floor.
I step toward him. “I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything.” His steel-gray eyes bore into my pleading chocolate orbs. “I want you, Storm.” I grip the bottom of his shirt, lifting it above his head. His arms raise as he helps to remove it, dropping it to the floor with his cut. “I’ve never wanted anything so badly. Please don’t make me wait any longer.”
Storm stands stock still while my fingers fiddle with the button on his jeans. Finally, I’m able to get them undone and begin pushing them down his toned legs along with his boxer briefs. I lower myself to the shower floor to remove his black boots.
Once he is completely bare like me, I rise onto my knees and stare up at his gorgeous body. Every part of him is muscle. His thighs and arms are covered in stunning colorful ink. My perusal of his body continues from his defined pecks, down his chiseled abs to his...oh my god! It’s huge! His cock is the biggest I have ever seen. I swallow hard, staring at its long length and width. He is massive.
I run my tongue along my bottom lip at the sight of how hard he is for me. I’ve seen the bulge in his jeans many times, but to actually see it in the flesh is magnificent. I’m a bit worried that he’s not going to fit inside me, but I’m not going to let that stop me from finally getting what I’ve wanted for so long.
I lightly run my fingers over the protruding veins that traverse his shaft. He hisses as I fist him and place my lips around the head. I taste the saltiness of precum and close my eyes, taking him further into my mouth.
; “Oh, fuck!” Storm growls as his hand lands on the back of my head. My head bobs while working my mouth up and down, and his hand tightens in my hair. He growls low with each of my movements, but suddenly, he shouts, “Stop!”
I release him, shocked and a little hurt with how harsh he yelled. Once again, I stare up at him, tears threatening to come. “Why? Am I doing it wrong? Do you not like it? Show me what you like, and I’ll do better.”
I move forward to try again, but he pushes against my shoulders. “Stand up.” I do as he orders, and his thumb caresses my cheek. “You were perfect, Darlin’.”
I bite down on my bottom lip, feeling some unease. Is he regretting this? “Then why did you stop me?”
“Because I can’t fuckin’ wait a second longer.” He bends down and picks me up. My thighs wrap around his waist, and he walks us back toward the shower wall.
One of my arms snakes around his neck, and I reach between us to line him up with my pussy. I begin lowering myself onto him, and he grits his teeth. “Fuck, you feel so goddamn good.” I move the arm between us up to the other side of his neck to join the first.
“Storm!” I cry out in pure pleasure as he pushes deeper and harder inside me. My back moves up and down the wall with each thrust he delivers. My nails dig into his shoulder blades, and my teeth bite into the side of his neck while I try to keep my screams quiet.
“I got you, Darlin’,” Storm tells me as his mouth descends onto my breast. His tongue swirls around my nipple before he sucks me into his mouth, tugging at my hard bud with his teeth. He pushes that pounding need in my core closer. Releasing my nipple, he moves to the other, giving it the same attention and causing me to moan louder.
“Please, Storm, please!” I cry for him to make it all go away. To release me from my past, to show me how it truly feels to be loved.
“Let it go, Haven. Come for me and let it all fuckin’ go away.” It’s as if he can read my mind. “Come for me. Soak my fuckin’ cock, baby, let me feel you.”