Storm (Sinning Cobras MC Book 1) Page 10
“Oh, God!” I call out as my orgasm rushes forward.
Storm holds me with one arm while the other moves between us. His thumb finds my clit, rubbing it in quick motions. “No God here, Darlin’.” My body trembles against his, and I hold him tighter as it starts washing over me. “That’s it. You’re gonna come so fuckin’ good.” I scream out his name as everything around us evaporates. “Fuck, yeah!” He pounds into me harder and harder until his own release bursts free.
My confidence waivers now that it’s over. “Was I okay? Did you enjoy it?”
Storm pulls back so he can see my face. “What are you talking about?”
I shrug my shoulder. “I want to make sure I was just as good as them.”
“Who?” He frowns as if he’s confused by what I’m saying.
I tilt my head and stare at him. “All of those women downstairs. The ones who are here to have sex with you and the others.”
He sighs heavily. “Haven, listen to me. Don’t ever compare yourself to them. They don’t mean a goddamn thing to me, but this, you and me, I never thought this would happen. You were perfect. This was perfect. And as many times as I’ve thought about this moment, it was so much better than I could have ever imagined. Was it good for you? With everything you’ve been through…”
A slow smile creeps onto my face. “It was breathtaking. It also was better than I have ever imagined.”
Storm bites down on his lip, grinning. “That’s good to hear cause I ain’t done with you yet.”
My eyes widen. “What?” He turns the cold water off and carries me through the bathroom into the hall. “Storm, I’m naked! You’re naked!” I screech.
“Who fuckin’ cares? They all know I’ll kill them if they look at you,” he says, but he steps quickly as he rushes us to his room.
He closes the door with his foot and carries me to the end of the bed, where he throws me down onto the comforter. I burst out laughing. “You think that’s funny? Let’s see how funny this is.” He kneels on the bed and grabs hold of my thighs, jerking me closer to him and spreading them wide. I feel the first stroke of his tongue along my pussy.
“Oh, Storm!”
“You like that?”
“Shh. Don’t talk.” I beg of him. “Keep going.”
He chuckles. “I guess that means you do.” Storm finds my clit, which is still a little sensitive.
His tongue moves in small, slow circles. “Faster,” I moan breathlessly. My hand slaps against the back of his head, and I rest my heels on each of his shoulders, opening me further to him.
“Like this?” he questions before his tongue picks up speed and feels a vibrator.
“God, yes!” I scream out.
He stops only to tell me, “I told you no God here.” His mouth latches on to my tight little nub, and he sucks me into his mouth.
“You’re god. You. Are. God!” I cry as my orgasm suddenly detonates, forcing my body to shake.
He doesn’t give me time to recover as he crawls up my body and pushes deep inside of me. “You’re a fuckin’ goddess.” He drives into me over and over. My head sinks into the pillow as my eyes close. I savor every calculated stroke Storm delivers. “Eyes on me, Darlin’.” I meet his steely grays that have darkened with his need for me. Tears spring forward, but I blink them away. The connection I feel with him as we’re one is overpowering. I never want this to end.
My hands reach up to run through his hair. I want so badly to tell him that I love him, but I’m afraid it would ruin the moment. I bite my lip to keep the words from rushing out.
“You’re my everything,” he reveals as his own orgasm takes hold. I watch as his eyes fight to stay open. His lips part slightly, and his teeth are clenched together. The sight of him pushes me over the edge one more time.
After a few minutes of catching our breath, Storm pulls out of me and rolls to his side. He holds his arm out. “C’mere.”
I don’t hesitate. I lay my head on his chest, and without even realizing how exhausted I am, my eyes begin to close while his fingers glide along my spine.
The next morning, Storm wakes me up, and we shower before my appointment with Kayla.
As I sit down on the couch, Kayla asks, “How has this week been?”
I can’t help but smile. “It’s been good. Really good.”
“I have to tell you, Haven, you’re doing such a good job. You seem so much happier than you were. The medicine also seems to be helping your anxiety. For homework, I want you to keep getting out of your room and socializing a bit more. Start working up the courage to talk about your past.”
My anxiety begins to build. My pulse pounds in my ears while my heart races. “Why do I need to talk about it?”
She shakes her head. “Because we need to start digging deeper for you to really begin to heal from your trauma.”
“How deep?”
“We can start with your parents. What was your childhood like?”
“My childhood was good. Our parents loved us.”
“Why haven’t you gone home?”
My eyes narrow with suspicion. What is she trying to get at? “Because we’re scared. I’m terrified. What if we went back and got kidnapped again?”
“But don’t you think your parents would want to know you’re alive and well?”
“They probably think we’re dead anyway, so what does it matter? They’ve probably moved and went on with their lives. They probably wouldn’t miss us anymore after all these years.” My voice begins to rise, and my pulse races. I’m uneasy and anxious. I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. Does she know our secret? What has Chapel told her?
“That’s a lot of probablys. But what if you’re wrong, Haven? What if they do still live in the same house and are waiting for you to come home? What if they still think about you every minute of every day? What if they still have your room exactly the way it was before you were kidnapped? Have you ever thought about finding out?”
I don’t like this. I don’t like the way she’s intruding. “Do you not want me at the club? You want me to leave? Is that why you’re asking me all these questions about them?”
“Don’t deflect, Haven. I’m just trying to understand. Rowan went home, but you and Chapel won’t.”
“I want to talk about something else.”
“Okay, tell me about the parties. What happened, what did you do at them?”
My breathing is labored as my heart races. “Why are you doing this to me?”
Kayla comes to sit next to me on the couch. She tries to lay her hand on my arm, but I scramble away from her. “Long slow breaths, Haven. Close your eyes and start counting. Picture yourself somewhere else, somewhere safe. You are perfectly safe. Let’s work through your attack.”
She waits until I’ve calmed down and then speaks softly, “I promise I’m not trying to hurt you, Haven, but you have to talk about what you went through so you can begin to heal. You have to trust this process and trust that I’m trying to help you.”
My stomach rolls with a nauseous feeling, and I wrap my arms around myself in a protective manner. Staring at Kayla, my nose stings as I try to keep from crying. “What do you want me to say? You want me to tell you how I had to stand there in shiny expensive dresses that showed way more than they should have until someone picked me?” My voice is trembling just as my body is, but I keep going, “You want me to say how I was forced to lay on beds and tables while men and women violated me? How about how I had to touch my own sister and kiss her and put things inside her, and she had to do the same to me? I had to put my mouth on women’s private places and do sexual things to men while an audience watched.”
“I’m sorry all of that happened to you. No one should have to experience that, let alone two very young girls, but you can begin to work through it all. We will find coping mechanisms that will work for you. I am here to help you through all of it, Haven.”
“Work through it? How do I work through…never mind, I’m
done!” I leap from the couch, tears sting my eyes. “You want me away from Storm, don’t you? You want me to tell you all this stuff, so he won’t want me, so he’ll make me leave.”
Kayla stands, too. “No, that’s not what I want. But have you ever thought about becoming independent? What if you didn’t have Storm or the clubhouse? What would you do then, Haven? Do you plan to stay there forever? What about the answers Storm wants? How long will he keep waiting for them?” She takes a deep breath and releases it, her hands resting on her hips. “I’m trying to make you understand that you can take care of yourself and not depend on anyone else.”
I rush out of her office, running past Storm.
“Haven?” he yells after me. I keep running. “The fuck you do to her?” I hear him shout before racing to my side. “What happened?” He pulls on my arm, tugging me into his chest.
“I don’t want to talk about it. Please, just take me back to the clubhouse. I’m never coming here again!” We continue to stand there, though, as he lets me bawl.
Our four brothers are back from Colorado and demanded we have Church immediately.
Snake starts Church, “Who wants to take the lead on informing us about what happened in Colorado?”
“I will,” Hunter speaks first. “Haven and Chapel said the day they were kidnapped, their parents left for work, and they were walking to the bus stop to go to school, right?”
I sit up in my seat. “Yeah, why?”
He continues, “Haven and Chapel’s parents divorced when Haven was three, and Chapel was only a year old. This is where it gets fucked.” Hunter’s stare drifts between mine and Ace’s. “Their mom remarried a man named Miguel Rios when the girls were twelve and ten. He’s the one who kidnapped them.”
I shake my head. “Bullshit.”
Hacker interjects, “It’s true, Storm. After our brothers found Nate, he spilled everything before they killed him. They called me to confirm, and once I started searching, I verified all the shit Nate told them.”
Ace’s fist slams onto the table. “You’re telling me they’ve known all this time who took them, and they fucking lied to us about it?”
Slouching in my seat, I try to figure out Haven’s reasoning. “Why would they lie? If they had told us the truth, we could have taken care of the sick cunt a long fuckin’ time ago.”
“They said they were scared to go home because they didn’t want to be taken again,” Bam Bam jumps in. “I don’t think that part was a lie. If their mother was married to him, and they went back, they would have been taken again. Maybe they think because they escaped, he did something to their mother, or they think she’s still married to him. Is she still married to him?”
Hacker shakes his head. “She divorced him a couple years after the girls were taken. Do you think Rowan knows?”
“No, as pissed off as she is with me for lying, no way she would have gone along with their story and lied to me about it.”
“Why did they come to Kansas? Did they still get to see their father back then?”
Hacker responds, “I don’t have an answer for why they came to Kansas. Their father and mother shared custody until he died in a car accident a year before the girls were taken.”
Boogeyman leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. “Let me guess, Miguel killed their father to make it easier for him to take the girls?”
Spike nods. “Miguel is a powerful man in Colorado. Not only is he the leader of this ring, but he’s a higher up in the Rios Cartel, which runs Mexico. Get this, his uncle is Demetri Veldano on his mother’s side of the Veldano crime family. Demetri is the mafia boss.”
“Fuck!” Snake roars.
Hanger throws his arms in the air. “Oh, this just keeps getting fuckin’ better, doesn’t it?”
“The fuck did we get ourselves into?” Bear grumbles.
“A fuckin’ shit show, that’s what.” Nyx shakes his head.
Dodger chimes in, “Back to their father’s death. The report says it was an accident, but I suspect Miguel put the order in, and it was covered up.”
Jumping from my seat, I announce, “I gotta talk to Haven.”
Snake nods. “We’re going to start coming up with a plan.”
“Before you go,” Spike hollers, “you might want to let Haven know their mom still lives in the same house.”
“I’ll tell her.”
I walk into my bedroom, where Haven is now staying and has been over the last week. She’s lying on the bed but pops up when I enter. “Hi,” she smiles.
Crossing my arms, I stand at the edge of my bed. “You lied to me.”
“What?” Her features are that of someone bewildered. “Lied about what?”
“Where do I fuckin’ start with the lies, Haven?” My voice rises as my anger begins to surface. “Let’s start with Miguel Rios, or how you were kidnapped, or that your parents are still together when, in fact, your parents were divorced, and your father is dead?”
Her face drains of all color. “How did you find out?” she whispers.
I don’t bother telling her. I want fuckin’ answers. “Explain.”
She gets up and begins pacing the room. “Kayla was right! You just wanted me here to get answers. Now what, Storm? You going to kick me out? You fucked me thinking I would open up? Was that the plan all along? Do whatever you had to do to get answers?” She stops moving and glares at me with her hands fisted at her side. She shouts, “I was just a job, right?”
I step closer to her. “Calm the fuck down! Don’t turn this around on me. You lied to me. Why didn’t you just tell me the fuckin’ truth?”
“Tell you the truth?” She laughs mirthlessly. “How could I tell anyone that my stepfather took my virginity when I was fifteen? How could I tell you that and you not think I’m disgusting?”
“Haven.” I sigh and hold her tight against me. “You’re not a job, and you still ain’t going no-fuckin’-where. Understood?” She nods against my chest. “I need you to tell me everything.” I move her over to the bed and sit down, pulling her onto my lap.
Tears trail down her cheeks. Reaching up, I wipe them away with my thumbs as she finally begins to talk, “Our mom and dad loved us so much. I remember playing outside at my dad’s house and having tea parties with my mom.” Tears come faster than I can wipe them away now. “When Mom started dating Miguel, he was so nice, and he played with us. He would even let us put makeup on him. Once he became our stepdad, we were so happy. From the beginning, he spoiled us, bought us whatever we wanted, and our mom loved him a lot.”
She smiles at the memory, but it quickly fades. “After our dad died in a car accident, Miguel changed. He became stricter and insisted we call him Daddy. He got off on us calling him that. If we didn’t, we would be punished. Mom tried to stand up to him, and they fought a lot, but he started hitting her. It became hell until the day we really were taken to hell. That morning, we did start on our walk to school, but Miguel picked us up before we made it to the bus stop. He said he was going to take us to school, but he didn’t.”
“When did he start raping you?”
“It was about a year after we had been locked in our cell that he finally let us out. I was fifteen; Chapel was thirteen. He said our first time should be with someone who loved us. It was bad, Storm, but it only got worse after Rowan came. He would tell us that the three of us were prettier than any of the others, and we were his favorites. He would make us do things to each other while he watched and recorded it. He would join in, too. Then there were those parties. At one point, I gave up. Storm, I wanted to die. It would have been so much better, but I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Chapel.” She shakes her head and wraps her arms around herself.
I feel like I’m going to explode with rage, but I have to control myself to get the answers we need. “Did Rowan know he was your stepfather?”
“No!” Her head shakes frantically. “She is like a sister to us. Ho
w could we possibly tell her that the man doing this to her was our stepfather?”
“Why did you come to Kansas?”
Dropping her head, she begins twisting her fingers into the material of her shirt. “When Rowan came into the cell, she was terrified like we were, but slowly, she began to tell her own stories. She would tell us about being in high school and all about Bam Bam. She told us about her parents and where she came from. We knew that we couldn’t go home because he would take us back there. We asked him once about our mom, and he told us she was dead. After escaping, we chose the one place we heard so much about.”
I wrap my arms around her and press my lips against her shoulder. “You told us you stole cars and drove here. I’m assuming that’s a lie because if you can’t even take care of yourself, how are you going to know how to drive?”
“The two men who were supposed to take us to be sold had a change of heart. They worked for Miguel for a long time and were the two who would drive us to those parties. Instead of taking us to the drop-off, they kept driving. They asked us where we wanted to go. They brought us to the outskirts of the city and then fled. I don’t know where they ended up, or if Miguel found them and killed them, but either way, Chapel and I promised we would never mention them again.” Her tear-filled gaze meets mine. She snakes her arms around my neck and buries her face there. “I’m sorry for lying to you, but we wanted to stay here and to continue being safe. We came up with the story that first night we found you guys, understanding we would eventually have to talk, yet we were scared you would make us leave if we told you the truth.”
“I would never make you leave, then or now. You’re stuck with me, Darlin’.” Pressing my lips to the crown of her head, I lightly kiss her. “Your mom’s not dead. She lives in the same house, and she divorced Miguel a couple of years after you two were taken.”
Her head pops up. “Our mom’s alive?” More tears begin to fall. “All this time...” She covers her mouth with her hand to try and control her sobbing.