Finding Hope (Satan's Sinners MC Book 7) Read online

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  She falls to my side. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" She yanks at the rope, trying to get me free. "Untie her now!" She screams at all of them.

  "Babe, listen," Gunner tries, however, he stops under the scrutiny of her heated glare.

  "Don't you babe me! Get. Her. Untied. Now!" She sneers with anger.

  Hanger takes charge. "Chat, we need to know if she's the rat."

  She stands, facing each of them. "The rat?" She questions, disbelief clear in her tone. "Do you all think so fucking little of me that you think I would bring someone into your lives who would hurt you?" She snarls, outraged. "I brought her to you for protection, and now I need to protect her from all of you!" Chatty seethes, her fury not decreasing at all.

  I state the facts, "Every hit to the club, Gunner getting shot, the bomb, she was here for all of it."

  "None of that was because of Tinsley. I promise you," She snaps at me. “Like you have any business accusing anyone. Do I need to remind you of Giovanna?”

  Hacker interrupts our heated glaring contest, "Then you two need to start talking."

  I can’t take it anymore. All of them are fighting over me, and it’s causing problems between Chatty and Gunner. "I'll tell you." I sigh, dropping my head and begin my story. "It was a few months after Chatty came home after Ripper was killed, and she was just starting to live again. We went out one night to a local bar. There were these two guys who bought us drinks. Chatty turned hers down, but I took mine and went to thank the guy. I sat down, and we got to talking. His name was Richie Warren, and he was so good-looking, the most handsome man I’d ever seen. We had this crazy connection at first sight." I smile, remembering that night, but I hear a low growl. When I glance up Romeo, looks like he wants to kill somebody.

  I continue, "He's the one who came here wanting me back. Anyway, we started dating, and he was so nice. He told me everything I wanted to hear, and I quickly fell in love with him. He loved me too…or so I thought. I was in college at the time, but he wanted me wrapped so tightly around him that I ended up quitting, and so, I moved in with him. Chatty tried hard to tell me to run, to leave him, but I wouldn’t listen.” I smile sadly. “I was in love. I was so stupid, and he had me so brainwashed that I couldn't make any decisions for myself. He wouldn't let me work, but he wanted to get me pregnant. I just thought he was old school…you know, the man works, providing for his family while the mom stays at home. Chatty kept trying to get me to come home, but I wouldn't. I'd get so mad at her for trying to ruin my happiness." I let out a small laugh, and Chatty squeezes my tied hand in comfort. "It didn't take long before I was, in fact, pregnant, but Richie didn't want to keep the baby. I thought it was odd he wanted me pregnant, and yet, didn't want the baby. He would tell me there were a lot of families that couldn’t have kids, and we have plenty of time to have our own babies. He reminded me about all of these things we wanted to do before we had kids of our own. So, I agreed at first, but as my belly began to swell and the baby would kick, I changed my mind. I wanted my baby…our baby. I told Richie I wasn't giving away the baby, and he told me to relax. At that time, I was almost ready to have the baby. He suggested we take a break and get away for the night. He even had me to pack my bags. He left, but when he returned, he came up behind me and kissed my neck, then I felt a poke and sting from something he injected into me. Everything went black, and when I woke up, I was in a room I didn't recognize. I was held there until I delivered, but they kept me so doped up, I didn't know what was real and what wasn't. I swear I heard my daughter cry, but they told me she was stillborn." Tears cascade down my cheeks. "I don't even know if I really did hear her, but I feel it deep inside my soul, she is alive. I never got to see her or hold her, but I named her Hope. I lost Hope that day, and I lost myself. They dumped me in a back alley, and a man found and helped me. I called Chatty, and that's when she brought me to you guys."

  Everyone is silent, so I go on, "I made Chatty promise not to tell you guys because this is my problem, and I'm going back to Arizona to find Hope."

  Romeo growls, "The fuck you are!"

  I hiss back at him, "You can't tell me what to do!"

  "Yes, I can, and I will. You're trying to put yourself in danger, and I won't let you do it. You don't even know what you're dealing with."

  Hanger nods. "He's right. We'll do some research, and we'll go. You can stay here."

  I shake my head frantically. "No. I'm not staying here. This isn't a club problem. This is my daughter who I need to find. I've done all my research. It's taken two years. My baby is two, and I don't even know what she looks like."

  "Can you untie her now?" Chatty glares at each of them, but Romeo steps forward and cuts the rope with a blade he had on him. Once I’m free, I shake my hands to get feeling back into them.

  Romeo’s sorrowful eyes meet mine. "Tin, I'm sorry."

  "I get why you did it, but I’m mad as hell at you. I'm mad that you actually thought I was trying to hurt the club, my cousin, and you. You're jaded, Romeo, and I get that too; and frankly, so am I, but at least I had a little faith in you guys. You had no faith in me at all, and that's what hurts the most about all of this." I glance around the room, and a shiver runs through my body because of what's happened here. Without another word, I walk past all of them and trek back to my room inside the Cobras’ clubhouse.

  I only have a few pieces of clothing from Chatty since the Satan's Sinners clubhouse blew up. I gather those and begin to walk toward the door to see if someone has a bag I can use. I'm not staying here any longer, and they can't tell me I have to. I'm going to find Hope, and no one will stop me. My hand touches the knob, and I jump in surprise when someone knocks on the door. As I open it, Romeo stands in front of me with those chocolate brown eyes, which seem to plead for my forgiveness. "What now?" I huff.

  His voice is quiet. It’s a total contrast to when he thought I was the rat. "Can I come in?"

  My eyes narrow. "Depends?"

  "On?" He bites his bottom lip in that sexy way of his. No! I’m furious with him, I can’t be having sexy thoughts of him–even if he looks it leaning against my door frame.

  "Are you going to drag me away to get tied up again so I have to beg for my life?" I hope that makes him feel worse.

  "I'm sorry. I promise to only tie you up and have you begging in a good way from now on." His lips lift as he tries to joke.

  "Not funny," I tell him, but I find my own lips lifting into a grin.

  "Too soon. I get it. Hanger sent me here to find out everything you know. We ride out tomorrow."

  My gaze widens. "You mean ‘we’ as in you and me are going to Arizona to find my daughter?"

  "I mean me, you, Demon, and a few others will be going to find Hope." My heart pounds in anticipation.

  "Okay." I nod with a beaming smile. "You can come in." I open the door further to allow him entrance. He takes a seat on the edge of the bed.

  Sitting next to him, I begin to recollect all the information I have found. The file I had, burned in the explosion along with the ring Richie gave me, and the clothes they’d dressed me in. "Richie Warren is his name, and he's part of a group of people that sells babies. Samantha Far is the nurse they use to deliver the babies, and there are a lot more people involved. I found a few other girls who Richie did this too, but they won’t talk to me about it at all."

  "So what, it's like a black market for babies?"

  "That's exactly what it is. And people are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for the exact hair color, eye color, and sex they want. Richie finds the women, either already pregnant or gets them pregnant, and makes a cut of the money."

  "Where do the babies go that aren't wanted?"

  I glance down at my belly. "I don't know."

  Romeo sighs. "What the hell are we walking into?"

  "I don't know," I repeat.

  He stands and turns to face me. "Get some rest. We’ve got a long ride ahead of us."

  I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I'm kind
of exhausted after letting it all out there, but so many emotions are swirling through me. Goodnight, Romeo."

  He leans forward and kisses my forehead. "If Hope is alive, we'll find her. Night, Tin." He walks out of my room.

  I lay back on the bed, place my hand on my stomach where I once felt her move, and make a promise that I'll bring her home. Maybe after I get my vengeance, I can be whole again.

  I find myself grinning about Romeo, even though I should still be mad at him. His lips felt good pressed against my skin. Gah! I’m so stupid for having these thoughts about the man that had me tied up and was ready to have me killed. Yeah, I should be pissed at him, but for some reason, I understand his reasons for doing what he did.

  I shut Tinsley’s bedroom door and lean against the cool wood, closing my eyes. I'm such an asshole for accusing her and then fucking tying her to the goddamn chair while I waited for my brothers. Maybe she's right, maybe I'm still fucked up over what Giovanna did to me, and it made me think the worst of Tinsley. They aren't the same, but I automatically put her in that same category. But it’s driving us all fucking insane not knowing who the traitor is, that it made my suspicions get the best of me. I wouldn’t blame Tinsley for hating me, but the kindness within her is too fucking good. Fucking Christ, all the shit she’s been through, and now I did that to her…maybe I’m no better than the people she’s seeking revenge against, but I’ll damn sure do what I have to in order to try and help her.

  Running my hand over my short black hair, I take steps toward the room I've been staying in. I pull my shirt over my head, remove my loose-fitting jeans, and sit on the edge of the bed with my elbows on my knees, my head resting in my hands. An unknown feeling sits heavy in my chest. I'm not sure if it's because she was so controlled by that fucking cunt, jealousy over someone else having her, which I know is crazy, or the fact that those bastards took her baby–if the baby is even alive.

  The reality of my situation and feelings is, it's a mixture of the three. Even though I've made no move to make her mine, it doesn't mean I don't want her any less. However, now that I know what she's been through, my protective nature is bulldozing its way to the forefront. I want to save her, and maybe that's where I’m going wrong. Every fucking woman I've wanted to save–as if they are damsels in distress–ends up buried six feet under…even my own mother.

  Laying back on the bed, I stare up at the ceiling with my arms behind my head. I think back to when I first met Crazy Girl at Gremaldi's. I knew that fucker she was with was abusive, and sure enough, fate intervened. She ended up at our club that night after Hanger found her on the side of the road, bloody and unconscious. I wanted to save my mother from my own father, and I wanted to save Giovanna from her family. I didn't understand why my mom or Crazy Girl stayed, I didn't understand why Giovanna wanted to be part of a family that was no good, and I sure as fuck don't understand why Tinsley would stay with a man that brainwashed her. Someone who controlled her so deeply, she would agree to give away her own child. She may have changed her mind in the end, but it was too late, her destiny had been set by when she got involved with that cunt. We’re dealing with the black market. There’s no way they would have let her keep her baby. This situation is so fucked! And my mind is fucked over it.

  Tinsley may not have gotten the shit beat outta her, but she was manipulated and abused in other ways, which is sometimes worse. She's strong though, and I'll do what I need to to help her find her daughter, even if it means she gets answers she doesn’t want to hear.

  I wake up the next morning, groggy from not sleeping much. Getting out of bed, I get my shit ready for a shower and walk out of my room to the bathroom. I turn the water on as hot as I can stand it, allowing it to run down my tight muscles. My mind was so clouded with thoughts of Tinsley that I couldn’t sleep. Not to mention what’s going to happen once we make it to Arizona. I lather soap over my bare body and try to wash away the guilt that still sits heavily within my gut.

  Once I’m finished rinsing, I shut the water off and wrap a towel around my tapered waist. I stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom and stare at the reflection of a man I don’t recognize. Eight years ago, I didn’t grasp what Potter tried to explain to me about the way of the MC world, but now I get it. I’ve killed for my brothers, they’ve killed for me, but does it get any easier knowing we purposely walk into situations we may not walk out of for the people we love? No, it never gets easier. We just do what needs to be done.

  Stepping back into my room, I grab my duffle bag out of the closet and fill it with extra sets of clothes. I'm not sure how long we'll be gone, but I pack what I can of the new clothes I’ve bought since everything I owned was destroyed in the explosion. I grab my blade from the nightstand and put it in the sheath on my belt before reaching under the mattress for my two Berettas. Laying them carefully on top of my clothes, I zip the bag and carry it out with me to meet up with the guys.

  Pretty boy, Demon, Chayser, and Bam Bam are already waiting. "Where's Tinsley?" I ask.

  Bam shrugs his shoulder. "Don’t know. Haven't seen her."

  Sighing, I walk back toward the rooms and knock lightly on her door. She quickly answers with her long dark hair pulled up in a high messy bun, and she's wearing jeans with a plain tee. She looks tired and so fucking cute this early in the morning. I've never seen her just waking up, but I like the sight of it. I like it way more than I should. "You ready?" I ask, pushing a few strands of hair behind her ear that she missed.

  Yawning, she replies, "Yep. Let's go." With her bag over her shoulder, she exits the room and stands next to me.

  I throw my arm over her shoulders as we begin to stroll into the bar. "It's a little over sixteen hours, so we're breaking it into two days. We'll stop in Santa Rosa, New Mexico for the night."

  "Okay," She mumbles.

  My brow pulls down at her simple answer. "You good?"

  "I'm nervous." Her eyes meet mine, and for the first time, her walls are lowered. She’s not trying to be strong, she’s not trying to put on a show for anyone, and she’s not giving me a fake smile like she has done countless times before. I see her vulnerability staring back at me; I feel her honesty and her truth.

  I pull her in close to me and rest my chin on the crown of her head. "Whatever happens, it's going to be fine."

  Her head lays against my chest, and she grips the back of my shirt tightly. "What if she really is dead? What if I was just imagining her crying?"

  I breathe in deeply. Her fresh sweet scent invades my nose. "Then at least you'll know the truth."

  "I'm not sure I can handle the truth," She whispers only loud enough for me to hear.

  Cupping her cheeks and lifting her eyes to meet mine, I gaze into her tear-filled depths. "You're strong, Tin, and if you think you're going to fall, fall into me. I'll always be here to catch you." I don’t know what possessed me to say that shit to her, but deep inside my soul, I feel the truth behind those words. I’ll always be here for this woman whom I’m just now beginning to really get to know.

  "I hope so." Her lips purse as the first tear trails down her cheek. “Thank you.” She can barely speak as she tries to control the emotion pouring out of her.

  I move my thumb across her cheek, wiping away the fallen drops. "You're welcome." Leaning forward, I lay my lips against her forehead.

  She pulls back and takes a deep breath. With a small laugh, she says, “They don’t call you Romeo for nothin’.”

  Taking her hand in mine, I chuckle and repeat her words, “They don’t call me Romeo for nothin’.” We meet the guys and Chatty outside. Pretty Boy and Chayser are loading up the van with our guns, ammo, and bags. "Hey, Chat." I give her a half smile, but the returning glare tells me she's still pissed.

  "Don't." She puts her hand up to stop me from coming closer. "I'm so fucking mad at every one of you."

  "Chatty—" Tinsley starts, but her cousin cuts her off.

  "No, T. They have so much fucking apologizing to do, and I can’
t believe I’m even letting you go with them. But…I know you need to do this, so I came here to tell you to be safe. Find your answers, and I have faith you will find Hope. Bring her home, T. And when they find her, I might consider forgiving them."

  I try to apologize again, "I was wrong, Chat, and I'm sorry for what we did because of me." If Chatty’s looks could kill, I would be dead right now from the daggers she’s shooting me.

  Leaving the two of them, I walk to my bike and grab an extra helmet from one of my saddlebags. A few minutes later, Tinsley joins me and takes the helmet out of my hands before putting it on. "She knows how to hold a grudge." Tinsley laughs as she adjusts the strap.

  "I'm surprised you aren't." I grin. "Most women are pretty good at holding onto their resentment."

  She smirks. "Yeah, well, I kinda need you right now."

  "I guess you do." I straddle my bike with her following. The van pulls out onto the road, and the rest of us take off after it. It's going to be a long ride, but I'm going to love every second her arms are wrapped around me.

  We made good time getting to Santa Rosa before the sun went down. We find a hotel and pull into the parking lot. Everyone stays outside while I go into the front office and ask the desk clerk, "You got rooms?"

  "We're almost full. Let me check." She scans her computer for a few minutes. "It looks like I have 3 rooms left."

  "I'll take all three."

  "Two of the rooms are double, and one is a king." Shit, I'm not sleeping in bed with one of my brothers, and they sure as fuck ain't sleeping with her. Tinsley and I will take the king.

  “That’s fine.” I pass her my credit card and wait for her to get us all checked in. After signing the papers, I return to our group outside and hand out the key cards to the rooms.