Storm (Sinning Cobras MC Book 1) Read online

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  Turning around on my stool, I take the last drink from my glass and set it on the bar top. “Just the little sweet butt I was waiting for.” Rising, I tell her, “Meet me in my room.”

  Her face lights up as I step past her and hear her excitement as she says, “Okay.”

  I’ve only been in my room for a few minutes when there is a quiet knock. Moving to the door, I open it. “C’mon, Cherry.” I pull it open a little wider until she’s through, then push it closed. “Sit on the bed.”

  Scurrying over, she plops down with her bag in hand and sets it on her lap, taking out everything she needs. “Thank you, Storm. After I get my fix, I’ll show you how much I truly appreciate it.”

  “I know you will,” I respond as I pull a chair in front of her and sit. I take my time, mixing the heroin with the water. Cherry bounces impatiently but doesn’t say a word or try to rush me. She knows I’ll have her feeling good when I damn well please. I use my lighter to heat up the mixture in her bent-up spoon and then pull the plunger back as it goes into the needle. “Why’d you ever start doing this shit, girl?” I question absently as she ties her arm off with a tourniquet.

  She holds her arm out while I feel for the perfect vein. “Rich kids don’t have a care in the world, Storm. Good kids thinking we could be bad on the weekends. Study and live up to our parents’ expectations all week, but Friday and Saturday it was all about partying hard, ya’ know? One day, my boyfriend said, ‘Cherry, you gotta try this with me.’ He was already an addict, and no one knew. He was the quarterback of our high school football team, but he got injured, and that’s what started it for him. We were going places, Storm, but next thing I knew, I was hooked too and couldn’t stop no matter how hard I tried.”

  “It’s a goddamn shame what this shit will do to you.” I inject the poison into her bloodstream. I quickly remove the needle and tourniquet from her arm. Not feeling an ounce of guilt, I watch as the drug takes hold.

  “I know. I’m in my twenties and look like I’m forty.” She laughs lightly as her eyes begin to slowly close. “I used to be so beautiful, Storm. I was the head cheerleader of my squad and now look at me. I’m a junkie whore.” The last of her words drag as she falls back onto my bed, unconscious.

  I stay seated in the chair, watching over Cherry to make sure she doesn’t start flip floppin’ like a fish outta water.

  A few minutes pass before she starts waking up. “How is it?” I ask.

  “It’s good. Really fucking good.” Her lips form into a lazy smile.

  That’s all I needed to hear. I grab my phone off the nightstand and find the prospect’s number in my contacts. First ring and he answers like a good little bitch. “Packages are good to go. Get the runners ready.”

  “You got it, Vice Prez. I’m really sorry about—” I hang up without listening to the rest of his groveling. Hopefully, I scared the fuckin’ stupid out of him, and he won’t have another fuck up.

  Cherry’s moved from the bed onto the floor in front of me. Her hands reach for the button of my denim jeans. Lifting my hips, I help her pull them down along with my boxer briefs. I slouch back in the chair and close my eyes while her hand fists around my cock. She gives a few long strokes before she sucks me into her mouth. “Fuck, girl.” I reach out, grabbing a fistful of her red hair.

  There are two things Cherry’s good at: fucking and sucking. Although her mouth isn’t the one I’d really like to have on me right now, I’m still a man with fuckin’ needs. I’ll never know what it feels like to have Haven’s lips wrapped around me. I’ll never know the feeling of Haven’s pussy clenching my cock. I’ll never know how beautiful Haven would be screaming while I took her to fuckin’ ecstasy. The thoughts of Haven have me fisting Cherry’s hair tighter and directing her movements.

  Cherry’s mouth moves up and down my shaft faster and faster. I imagine what Haven’s full tits would feel like in my hands, how soft and wet her lips would be against my pulsating cock. I imagine how sweet she would taste on my tongue, how she would swallow every drop of my cum.

  “Fuck!” I roar as my release rushes through my body.

  Cherry pulls back, letting my cock fall from her mouth. “Can I get another fix?”

  Grabbing my phone, I look at the time. “One more.”

  “Thanks, Storm.” We go through the process all over again, but this time, I don’t allow her to remain on my bed. Once she’s unconscious, I carry her into the hallway and set her down onto the floor, and lock my bedroom door to prevent her from trying to get in there to find more drugs when she wakes up. It’s time for me to stand guard at Haven’s door and make sure the demons stay away even if she’s pissed off at me.


  They slowly walk through the opened gate. “Can you help us?” Haven asks again.

  I stare down at her in disbelief because of how tiny she is. That nightgown she’s wearing could be ripped clean off her body with one finger due to how torn it is. I’m engulfed by this feeling of wanting to kill whoever did this to her. “What do you need help with exactly? You need food? Something to drink? Clothes? You need to call somebody? What?”

  “We don’t have anywhere to go. Food and some water would be nice.” She is timid, but as we walk into the clubhouse, and she enters the bar to find everyone staring at her, she screams, “Chapel, run!”

  They both shoot out the door so quickly, I’m flabbergasted. Despite their condition, they can move swiftly. “The fuck?” I say more to myself than anyone before instincts kick in, and I run after them. Ace follows behind. We reach them back at the closed gate. “You come to our club begging for help now you wanna run?”

  “We can’t…all those people…please don’t hurt us.” Tears cascade down her cheeks while she shakes her head. Her body shakes violently.

  “Hey.” I step closer. “We won’t hurt you. We’re a motorcycle club, Darlin’. There’s always a shit ton of people around, but no one’s gonna hurt you.”

  “No one will hurt us? No one will touch us?”


  “Are you going to lock us up?”

  “The fuck?” Ace roars beside me.

  Every time she speaks, I feel my anger bubbling more and more. “Lock you up? Where did you come from?” She doesn’t answer. “I’m not locking you up. You wanted my help, so let me help you. If you allow me to pick you up, I will carry you inside. You can take a hot shower, and I’ll get you some clothes and food. We have an empty room you can sleep in, and in the morning, you can leave if you want.”

  Haven shifts toward her sister. Chapel’s eyes seem to be pleading, but I have yet to hear her say a word. Haven’s attention turns back to me. “I will allow you to carry me inside.”

  Picking her up, it feels as if she weighs nothing in my arms. She tucks her head into my neck just like I told her, and I carry her through the clubhouse as Ace does with her sister. “Chapel has to stay with me. We can’t be separated,” she whispers.

  “You want to shower with your sister?” My brows pull down tight. There’s something definitely fuckin’ wrong here. I put her back on her feet at the bathroom door.

  “We stay in the room together but shower separately.” She stands straighter as if that will make her appear stronger.

  I put my hands up in front of me. “You do whatever you want, Darlin’.”

  She nods. “Will you stay at the door?”

  I swallow hard. “If that’s what you want?”

  She nods tentatively again.

  Ace opens the bathroom door for them, and they both step inside. Once he closes it, his worried stare meets mine. “What the fuck happened to them?”

  “No fuckin’ idea, but nothing good, that’s for damn sure.”



  Chapel and I sit hand in hand on my bed, watching the door and waiting. We’re listening for any slight sound of footsteps approaching. “When do you think they’re coming?” she whispers, squeezing my hand harder.

my head, I reply, “I don’t know.” Sucking in a deep breath, I remind her, “The plan. Don’t forget the plan, Chapel.” My gaze darts to hers.

  She bites her lip and nods. “But…do you think—”

  I cut her off, “Now is not the time to question it, Chapel.”

  Just as her name falls from my lips, there’s a pounding knock on the door. The anticipation of this moment has been building since yesterday. “Come in,” I yell at the closed door—my heart races as I prepare for the impending doom. We escaped once when we were being carted off to some unknown place. We will escape again. My mind travels back to that day.

  It’s been months since Chapel and I were allowed out of our cell. We go days without food, and we’ve both lost a lot of weight. We no longer have the privilege of showering or changing our nightgowns. We’re just like the others who have been taken away and never returned. It’s only a matter of time before it’s our turn, and it’s all my fault for not obeying or following orders. It’s my fault for embarrassing him at his party, but I can’t say that I’m sorry. What I’ve done for him at those parties, what I’ve done to other girls, to Chapel, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to put a stop to it, and now, both Chapel and I are suffering because of my disobedience. We have been replaced by our cellmates, Rowan and Belle.

  Something clangs against the metal bars of the cells; it’s growing louder and louder the closer it gets to us. Two men built like Hulk stop at our cell. With an evil smirk, one of them says, “You and you,” he points to Chapel and me, “time to go.”

  “Where are we going?” I ask, but my question goes unanswered as they step into our cell.

  “Haven!” Chapel screams for me when one grabs her while the other takes ahold of me.

  “Where are you taking them?” Rowan yells as the cell door slams closed.

  I hear the sound of Belle’s cries as we’re carted away. Chapel and I fight, kicking and screaming. We don’t give up until we’re thrown into the back seat of a car, a car we know all too well, along with the two men in the front. The door shuts, and the car begins driving away. Chapel scoots closer, and we huddle together. Streams of tears run down my cheeks, and my body quakes in fear while my heart beats so fast that I think it might explode.

  The car rambles on for I don’t know how long until it pulls over to the side of the road. I speak softly, “Chapel, we have to keep fighting. We have to escape. Whatever happens, do not give up.”

  “Okay.” Her voice can scarcely be heard.

  Storm enters the room without Ace, pulling me from my memories, and he speaks the words I’ve dreaded to hear, “It’s time to go, Haven.”

  I shake my head frantically. “We’re not going anywhere!” I exclaim. My eyes dart between Storm and the door. “Where’s Ace? Why is it only you here? What about Chapel?” Fear boils inside of me. “We’re not leaving. You aren’t taking me anywhere, and I’m not moving without Chapel.” The words “It’s time to go” have sent me into a state of panic, and my fighting instincts have surfaced.

  “Haven,” Storm growls my name as if he’s giving a petulant child a warning. “Ace is coming. You’re freaking the fuck out for no reason. Calm down.”

  My voice lowers, my tone is menacing. “We. Are. Not. Going,” I defiantly snarl.

  He sighs heavily, stepping closer to the bed and me. “I don’t have time for games. We have to go.” He grabs ahold of my wrist, and I try to jerk my arm from his forceful grip, but he has his fingers wrapped too tightly. He yanks me up from my bed.

  “Let go of me!” I wail, digging my heels into the hard wooden floor to try and hold my ground, but the force of his pulling is dragging me, burning and hurting my feet because I fight against moving even an inch. My wrist stings from his rough handling.

  Grabbing my other wrist, Chapel uses all of her strength to pull me in the opposite direction of Storm. She tries her hardest to try and yank me back onto the bed with her. Both of my shoulders and feet are throbbing, the pain becoming unbearable. She screams at Storm, “Let go of my sister!”

  Storm tugs me toward the door, but Chapel jerks me back toward her. “Storm, stop!” I cry out. Feeling as though my arms will be ripped from my body as shooting pain radiates from one side to the other with each yank.

  Storm doesn’t stop. He tugs me harder, using more of his strength, forcing Chapel off the bed. She swivels her body quickly and positions herself closer to Storm, dropping my arm, which allows her to hit him. He ducks his chin, tucking it into his chest so that neither Chapel nor I are able to attack from his neck up. With my free arm, I throw my fist into his rock-hard stomach and any available spot where I might be able to do damage. I try to ignore the intense pain burning through my arms, feet, and now my hand.

  A deep rumbling roar emerges from Ace in the hall, “ The fuck is going on in here?” He runs into the room. “That’s enough.” He snatches Chapel around her waist and pulls her away from Storm and me.

  “No!” I reach for her, but even with both of our arms stretched toward each other, we aren’t within touching distance.

  “Take Chapel out first,” Storm orders Ace while he tries to catch a full breath. “Get her outside and come back for their shoes.”

  Ace carries Chapel out of the room, her screams echoing through the hallway until it’s once again silent. Without a word spoken, Storm begins dragging me from the room. I continue fighting, kicking, hitting, squirming, anything that might break his hold on me. I use every last bit of energy, but I’m growing weaker and more tired by the second. My breathing is labored, and my pulse gallops in my ears.

  We enter the hallway just as I’ve expended the last of my energy in my effort to escape. Storm spins me around and pushes me against the wall, causing my back to slam into it. I’m caged in by Storm’s muscular arms and his towering body. His fist shoots out like lightning, crashing into the wall beside my head, terrifying me, and I flinch and gasp in reaction.

  “Fuckin’ stop, Haven. Jesus Christ!” Storm’s head drops to his chest. It’s as if he’s trying to regain his composure and calm himself. Moments later, his head lifts. I take in his silver-streaked beard and hair, his fine lips, and his hidden jaw that’s currently being clenched. When my gaze finally reaches his, his eyes are blazing with rage, but there’s something else that flashes between our connected stares: lust, desire, and something unfamiliar to me. I recognize the lust and desire all too well from the evil men and women, but Storm…his eyes on me feel completely different from theirs. Theirs were menacing, dirty, horrid. Right now, though, my pain, my fear, my sense of reality diminishes. Everything around us is cloaked, and in this second, it’s only him, me, and a blackness that envelopes us, shielding us from all else. Whatever this is drifting between us is so intense, my instinct is howling that both of us would be destroyed if we give in. His tongue slowly glides across the seam of his lips before it vanishes.

  Ace walks past us, and suddenly, we’re back in the hallway, back to reality. My gaze returns to those angry steely gray eyes, which are glaring at me. “I’m going to give you one chance to walk out of here peacefully.”

  I spit, “No!”

  His lips purse while he nods. “Fine.” Storm bends slightly, wrapping his arms around my thighs, and throws me over his shoulder.

  “Here are her shoes.” Ace hands my shoes to Storm before he continues walking past us.

  My fists hit Storm’s back over and over while he carries me through the clubhouse. I screech, “Put me down!” My hitting and high-pitched squeals don’t faze him. As he’s carrying me upside down over his shoulder, I glance around the building the best I can. It’s empty. Everything is gone. Tears begin to blur my vision. This is really it.

  We exit the bar door, yet Storm doesn’t stop until we’re at his Harley. He puts me back on my feet, finally releasing me, causing me to wince the moment I’m bearing my full weight on my aching feet and ankles. He crosses his muscular arms over his broad chest and arches his brow. “You gonna run? Put
these on.” He tosses my shoes to the ground by my injured feet. Still acting stubborn, I leave them there.

  I stare down at the ground, gently kicking at the loose pebbles of gravel just so I don’t have to keep still, trying to ignore the pain, and shift from side to side for a small reprieve. “No,” I say quietly. Out of my peripheral vision, I spot my sister standing at Ace’s bike, looking just as defeated as I feel. Her head is lowered, and she keeps wiping her cheeks.

  “Say it a little louder, Haven,” Storm demands.

  My gaze darts up to his, both of us narrowing our eyes in challenge. “I said no.”

  He leans closer and hisses, “I didn’t sign up for this shit!”

  My brows furrow in confusion, and my heart squeezes in my chest, returning every bit of physical pain I was feeling. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Is he referring to taking care of me? A new bout of agony tightens in my belly, and I feel nauseous. All I wanted was to stay here, and I fought for that, but all he wants is to be rid of me. Why else would he be making me leave? I feel sick.

  He runs his hand through his silver hair and backs away from me. Storm throws his arms in the air. “It means I didn’t sign up to be someone’s daddy. All I’ve done for two fuckin’ years is take care of you like you’re a fuckin’ child. I’m not your daddy, Haven, and you’re not a fuckin’ child. You’re a grown-ass woman. Start acting like it.”

  My head rears back as if he’s just slapped me across my cheek. “I know you’re not my father.” My tears betray me as they begin to fall. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a burden on you, Storm.” I take a step away from him, then another and another until I’m hobbling away without knowing where I’m going. “Chapel,” I yell for my sister to follow.

  She jogs up to my side. “Where are we going, Haven?”

  “I have no idea, but I’m not going to be anyone else’s problem anymore. We should have never stayed here. We should have left a long time ago, and Storm just made that abundantly clear.” I’m seething. “We need to find somewhere to stay in a hurry, though.” I release long deep breaths while trying to stop the tears from running down my face.