Changing Lanes (Satan's Sinners MC #5) Page 13
“You’re welcome.” I smile as I watch him walk out the door.
I go into the kitchen, grab enough wineglasses for everyone out of the cabinet, and join the ladies in the living room.
“It was really sweet of Hacker to call Hanger,” Zoey says.
“Yeah, it was.” I smile. My phone rings on the coffee table. “Hello?”
“Doctor Greene? It’s Darla—I’m in labor.”
“How far apart are your contractions?” I put my wineglass down and stand up.
“About five minutes.” Her breathing is heavy and I hear her grunts of pain.
“I’ll meet you at the hospital!” I hang up. “I’m sorry, I have to go! Can one of you stay until Shelly gets here?”
“Yeah, sure!” Jacey tells me.
“Thanks.” I rush to get my purse and keys. I run out to my SUV and speed to the hospital.
Darla pushes for the last time and her newborn baby girl is out. I cut the umbilical cord and hand the baby to the nurse. “Get her weight and vitals.” I finish taking care of Darla, leave the birthing room, removing my scrubs as I go, and walk to the nursery. “How is she?” I ask the nurse that’s checking her over.
“She has neonatal abstinence syndrome. She’s underweight, and has muscle stiffness and rapid breathing. We have the oxygen on her and the pediatrician is deciding if we should start medication, but I would say that’s what is going to be best.”
Sighing, I nod. “Keep me updated.”
“I will. This little girl has a long road ahead of her.” That she does, because Darla couldn’t leave the needle alone and now her baby was born addicted to heroin.
When I pull into my driveway late into the night, Hacker’s motorcycle is there. He came back and stayed. Sighing, I release a deep breath and smile. After locking my Navigator, I unlock my front door, letting myself inside to see that all the lights are off. I’m sure everyone is sleeping, so I head to my room.
My bathroom light is on; it casts a glow across Hacker lying in my bed sleeping. I take the opportunity to explore him visually: all of his smooth ink-covered skin, his muscled physique, and the way he looks at peace when he sleeps. He really is a beautiful beast. I look at the ground and back up, trying to contain the happiness I feel right now. I take my shoes off and quietly open my dresser, pulling out an old t-shirt and changing. I easily pull the covers back on my side and slip into bed, trying not to wake him.
“Hey,” he says tiredly, pulling me against his side.
I lay my head on his chest, kissing it softly. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“I wasn’t sleeping.” He yawns. “Everything okay with your work?”
“It was rough. The mother is a drug addict and the baby was born addicted to heroin.”
His hand rubs up and down my back. “Christ. Is the baby going to be okay?”
“Yeah, she’s going to have a rough start, though. The pediatrician is seeing how bad her withdrawals are before deciding to start her on methadone. I hope after this the mother will get treatment for herself.” I turn my head to look into his eyes. “Thank you for calling the ladies earlier. I wish I could have spent more time with them.”
“You’re welcome. I just want you to know you aren’t alone. You have all of us here to lean on, to help you with whatever you need.”
“You don’t know how much that means to me. It was always just Mark and me against the world, ya’ know. I don’t know how to ask for help or really open up to people.”
“I get it.” He kisses my forehead.
“How was Cash?”
“He’s gonna be okay. We played some PlayStation, shot some baskets, and I ordered some food. Get some rest; you’ve had a long day, Red.”
I relax into his chest; the feeling of safety and protection in his arms has me falling fast asleep.
The next morning, I walk into Darla’s room to check on her. The bed is empty, so I rush to the nurse’s station. “Where’s Darla?”
“She should be in her room.” The nurse’s brows knit. She follows me back to the room. We check around the space: her clothes are gone, the IV is lying on the bed along with her hospital gown, and she’s not in the bathroom.
I quickly stride to the NICU. “Is the baby born yesterday still here?”
“Yes, she’s right over there.” Oh, thank God! I walk over and look down at the tiny human, my eyes brimming with tears. “Her mother has left the hospital.” The baby begins to cry.
“I know we aren’t supposed to judge, Doctor Greene, but this baby is going through hell and has now been abandoned by the person who is supposed to love her more than anything. The person who is supposed to protect her. I don’t understand sometimes why women like that are allowed to have babies.”
“Unprofessionally, I agree with you. But professionally, it’s our job to take care of patients no matter their situation. Call social services.” The nurse gives the baby her medication and she calms some. I pick her up into my arms, hold her against my chest, and sit in the rocking chair next to her little bed. I begin a light rock. “You’re going to be just fine. You’re strong and you are going to have parents that love you and spoil you rotten.” I kiss the top of her head, which is full of dark hair.
Chapter 21
“I’ve called church to discuss a few things,” Hanger addresses the room. “I met with Snake again about combining the clubs, and for now we are going to hold off because we can’t come to a mutual agreement.” That’s understandable and makes sense if neither club is willing to give up on their terms. “But the Cobras need our help, and it’s going to be a long, drawn-out deal.”
Writer asks what we are all thinking, “What do they need help with?”
Hanger looks between Gunner and Bear. “It involves the drug cartel and sex trafficking.”
My brows pull down. “How the fuck they get mixed up in that?” I ask.
Hanger responds, “Not real sure yet. All I know is it was brought to them. Once I have more specific details I’ll need you, Hacker.”
I nod. “You got it.”
“Now we need to discuss patching in Tink and Pretty Boy. All in favor?”
“Aye,” sounds around the room.
“Anyone object?” The room grows quiet.
Hanger responds, “Okay, that’s settled.” He looks in my direction. “Any new word on Deuce?”
I shake my head. “No, he’s still not showing face anywhere.”
He nods. “Alright, keep on it. Does anyone have anything else to discuss?” The room stays quiet. Hanger slams the gavel down. “Church dismissed.” We file out of the room.
I gotta get going; I’m taking Cash on that ride I promised him.
“You ready to ride?” I look over my shoulder at Cash wearing the black and neon green helmet I bought him. He nods excitedly. “Remember what I told you: hang on to me, follow my lead with turns.”
“Got it! I’m ready!” I imagine he’s smiling behind the dark shield.
Taking off onto the street, I make my first left. Cash does exactly what I told him by following my lead and tilting our bodies. We ride for thirty minutes, and he’s a natural. I pull up to the lake and park the bike.
He removes his helmet. “What are we doing here?”
“Taking a break. You know, the first time I got your aunt on the back of my bike I brought her here.”
“You did?” His eyes light up.
“Yeah.” I climb off and help him off, too. I walk out to the lake, pick up a rock, and skip it across the water.
“Can you teach me how to do that?” I didn’t realize he had come up beside me.
My eyes dart down to him. “You’ve never skipped rocks?”
He shakes his head. “No.”
Looking on the ground, I find a nice flat
one. I hand it to him and grab another for myself. “Okay, you hold it like this,” I demonstrate the correct way, “then hold your arm like this and flick your wrist. It’s all in the wrist.” I throw mine first, and it skips a few times.
Cash does his next, and it skips twice before sinking. “I did it!” he says happily with a smile.
“Yeah, you did! Good job.” I smile.
We take turns skipping a few more. “Hey, Hacker, are you going to be around for a while?”
My brows pull tight as I look down at him. “Yeah, buddy, why?”
He shrugs. “I like having you around.”
“I like being around.” I smile and ruffle his light brown hair. “Let’s head back.”
“Okay.” He runs back to my bike.
Cash is a cool little dude; it makes me miss my son, but maybe I’ll get to be there for him and teach him shit that I never got the chance to do with Max.
“That was so awesome, Sierra!” Cash tells her excitedly when he barges through the front door.
She laughs. “Did you have fun?”
“Yes! We rode all the way out to the lake, he showed me how to skip rocks, and he said he’s going to be around for a long time.” He takes a deep breath and continues, “I wanna be just like Hacker when I grow up. He can teach me how to ride my own bike and everything!”
“Whoa!” Sierra laughs some more, and I smile. “Let’s not rush anything. We have a long time before you are old enough for that. Why don’t you go get ready for dinner?” He runs off to the bathroom. “Thank you for taking him.”
“You’re welcome. C’mere.” I reach for her hand, pulling her in close. My lips descend on hers. “I don’t break promises; I told him I’d be around and I will.”
Her green eyes gleam up at me. “That’s a long time from now.”
I cup the side of her face. “You plannin’ on goin’ somewhere?”
She shakes her head. “No.”
“Good answer.” I smile. “I wouldn’t let you even if you fuckin’ wanted to.”
“Hacker, you’re picking me up for a wedding on a motorcycle?” She glares at me, exasperated.
“Why the hell not? Hike up the dress, spread those gorgeous legs, and straddle the beast.” I tap the side of my motorcycle with my hand.
She throws her arms up and rolls her eyes. “What about my hair?”
“It’s beautiful, Red. Now let’s go.” She does look beautiful; she’s wearing a red one-shouldered gown with matching heels, her hair is up in curls, and she did a little more makeup than normal. She’s wearing bright red lipstick and all I can think about is having those fuck-me lips wrapped around my cock.
“Hacker!” she whines.
I hand her my helmet with a laugh. “If it gets messed up, the girls have shit to fix it, I’m sure.” She huffs, but puts the helmet on and straddles the back of my bike. “Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight.”
She does as she’s told, and we take off for the compound. I love the feeling of having her riding with me, gripping my waist for comfort, and being free with her out on the open road.
“It’s beautiful,” Sierra gushes as we walk to the back of the clubhouse. White lights are strung through the trees and the guests, mostly bikers and their Ol’ Ladies, sit in the rows of chairs; in front is a gazebo wrapped in white flowers and lights. It’s simple, but fits Gunner and Chatty. We find seats just as the music begins for Chatty to walk down the aisle.
“Doesn’t she look gorgeous?” Sierra whispers. I look at Chatty walking towards Gunner, towards her future, and something begins to happen with me.
“Yeah, she does.”
Chatty stands next to Gunner in a long white gown, wearing her cut on top of her dress. I feel like I can’t breathe, so I pull at the neck of my shirt, suddenly feeling overheated. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me, but I can’t focus.
I zone out for I don’t know how long, but Sierra bumps my shoulder with hers. “Are you okay?”
I nod. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“The wedding’s over. They’re getting ready for the reception.”
I stare at the ground, not once lifting my eyes up. “Go on over. I’ll be over in a minute.”
“Okay.” Her hand touches my shoulder, and she leaves me sitting here.
I place my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. “You good?” Hanger sits next to me.
I shake my head. “I don’t know, brother.”
“What’s goin’ on?”
“I’m freaking the fuck out.” I blow out a breath of air, run a hand down my face, and look at my President.
“Why?” His brows are pulled down and he’s holding a beer, picking at the label.
“I’m not sure. During the wedding Sierra was next to me and I kept picturing a future with her.”
“Ah.” Hanger nods and chuckles. “You fallin’ for her.”
I shake my head. “I’m on the ground and can’t get the fuck up.”
“Is Sierra lying beside you?”
“I don’t know.” I sigh deeply.
“Only one way to find out, brother: go get your woman.” He slaps my back and walks back over to his wife.
I stand, looking at the crowd on the dance floor they have set up. I spot Sierra talking with Chatty, Jacey, and Tinsley. My heart tightens in my chest as I watch her laughing. It’s like she can feel me because her beautiful green orbs spot me instantly. She gives me that smile of hers before turning her attention back to the ladies, and it damn near kills me. There’s nothing more stunning than her in the dark under these lights, and I realize why I was panicking, but not anymore. When she looked at me I had all the resolution I need.
I stride over, coming up behind her. “Dance with me?”
She spins with a smile and nods. Taking her hand in mine, I pull her away. “You wanna talk about what happened?” she asks, wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrap mine around her waist as we sway to the beat.
“I always thought Tisha would be my future, ya’ know, and then she died. I was lost, broken, and fuckin’ stuck with no way out of a hell I had been living for so long.” I run my fingers through the side of her hair and take a handful, tilting her head back so I can look into her eyes. “You got me out; you have given me reason to want another future, to move forward with my life. Tisha wouldn’t have wanted me to live the way I was. She would have wanted me to be happy, and she would have loved you.” Sierra’s eyes pool with tears. “I came to a realization during the wedding and it freaked me out, but being here with you, dancing with you, having you in my arms…it’s all crystal fuckin’ clear. I love ya’, Red. Will you be my Ol’ Lady?”
Her feet stop moving. “What?” She stares at me, frozen, her mouth gaping open.
“Will you be my Ol’ Lady? I’ll explain what exactly that means if…”
She waves her hand, cutting me off. “No, no. I’ve been around the ladies, I know what it means and how important it is, but the other thing, what you said before that.” She smiles. “I want to make sure I heard you right.”
I mimic her smile. “What other thing? About the realization or the future?”
She slaps my arm and laughs. “I’m serious.”
Laughing, I tell her again. “I love ya’, Red.” A tear trickles down her cheek, and I swipe it away with my thumb.
“Hacker, I love you, too. Of course, I’ll be your Ol’ Lady!”
My lips slam against hers, our tongues dancing to their own rhythm passionately.
Chapter 22
It’s been six weeks since I delivered Darla’s baby girl and she is doing great. Her NAS is slowly going away, and once they have her completely weaned from the methadone she will be released from the hospital.
I’ve sat with her every day since
her mother left her, watching her tremors, excessive crying, and jitters. I’ve fed, changed, bathed, and comforted her. I’ve become attached to this little dark-haired baby with the best smell, olive skin, button nose, and pouty lips. I’m going to miss her so much when she’s released. I fight to hold back the tears just thinking about it as I hold her in my arms.
She finishes her bottle, so I set it down and lift her up onto my chest as I begin patting her back to burp her. “You’re a natural with her, Doctor Greene.” The nurse comes up beside me.
“Thanks. I just want her to know people care. Even if her mother didn’t.” I lay my cheek on her head for just a moment.
“Have you ever thought about adopting her?” The nurse pushes the methadone into her IV. We have to do our best to keep this little girl comfortable as she goes through the process. That includes low lighting, being held more than regular babies, and being in a quiet surrounding.
My brows pull down. “No. Could I?”
She shrugs. “I don’t see why not. If you would be interested, talk to social services.”
“Yeah, I might.” She lets out a big burp and we both start laughing. I rock her to sleep and lay her back down. I kiss her head. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby girl.”
I rush to meet Hacker, Cash, and Mark at the house. Hacker moved in a few weeks ago and things between us are amazing. Cash loves having him around and they have this bond between them that is unbelievable. I’m so happy Cash has a male figure around to do the guy things with that Mark isn’t able to do with his son.
“Hey, Red.” Hacker gives me a chaste kiss when I walk over to the driver’s side door. “Mark has his suitcase ready to go.” After the day Mark took off I fired Heather and was looking for a replacement, but Hacker volunteered. We still had Shelly on at night because of us managing Stilettos, but last weekend was it for the weekend caregiver.